iOS App for Mobile Website / HTML Web / PDF Reader

Last Update
27 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

You have a website which is optimized for mobile? You have a website bundle with all the html, jquery, css and png? You have a pdf file that you wan to show in app?

This is for you. Take a look on this video

This has three tab bars with nice graphics. First tab simply can take your mobile optimized website url and turn as an iOS app. Second tab has a mechanism to take your html, css, jquery and png files to display your website. It just need the files to be imported into app directory. The third tap takes a PDF file and display nicely with sharing options.

If your need is one of the above tab, you can simply remove the remaining tabs in interface builder. If you need more tabs, simply just configure and it is ready with more tabs with easy customization and graphics.

This project is written in Xcode 4.5 using the iOS SDK. This app currently supports iOS 5+ and using ARC. Storyboards used in this project so that customising is pretty simple.


Version 1.1

iPad now uses popover

Version 1.0

Universal app. Supports both iPhone, iPhone 5 and iPad.

Custom home page button to return to home page wherever the user is

Refresh button to reload the view

Nice animated progress indicator that animates when web page loads and disappears when loading finished

Complete Xcode Project

StoryBoard supported


Supports iphone 5

Retina Display Ready

Supports Portrait Orientation

Learn and customise navigation bar and barbutton items

Well explained code. Documentation included

Able to customise easily since it is using storyboards

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