slider jquery

TouchCarousel - jQuery Content Scroller and Slider

TouchCarousel - jQuery Content Scroller and Slider

TouchCarousel is mobile-friendly and lightweight jQuery content scroller with touch navigation for mobile and desktop. May be used as carousel, banner rotator and image gallery. It’s used by top web design agencies, email newsletter companies and simple schools. Features: Touch navigation for supported devices. Paging and free-scroll mode. Physics-based scrolling. Fluid width of carousel for free-scroll mode. Fast, hardware accelerated CSS3...

BubbleSlider, A Circle Only jQuery Slider

BubbleSlider, A Circle Only jQuery Slider

Item description BubbleSlider is a jQuery circle only slider It is really light (3ko for minified version and 8ko for commented version) and provides different eye-catching effects Main features RockingRolling Thumbs – When a thumb becomes active, it rotates 360° Sinusoidal In/Out Effect – The content appears and disappears sinusoidally on screen Thumbnail Scroller – Thumbs container is scrollable on hover Keyboard Navigation – The s...

Spider Thumbnail Slider - A Creative jQuery Slider

Spider Thumbnail Slider - A Creative jQuery Slider

Item description Spider Thumbnail Slider is a simple and light slider (3ko for minified version and 5ko for commented version) It provides a creative effect on thumbnails : a frame catch the next thumbnail and bring it to the middle of the slider. On the top of that, timer is directly attached on active thumbnail. Main features SpiderFrame – The spider frame catch the thumbnail and bring it to the center SpiderTimer – The timer is an ove...

Small Photo Gallery jQuery/XML/AJAX Loaded

Small Photo Gallery jQuery/XML/AJAX Loaded

A small photo gallery that is simple to setup using XML /AJAX, making this gallery very easy to maintain. jQuery knowledge is not needed. Plug-in is easy to integrate into your own applications. Please take a look at the list of features below. XML – Easy to setup. All you need is simple XML knowledge. Compatible – With commonly used browsers, including IE7 Buttons – Customizable navigation buttons. CSS – Is well documented. ...

Translucent - Responsive Banner Rotator / Slider

Translucent - Responsive Banner Rotator / Slider

This is a jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow with translucent background set for caption. Supports Responsive and fluid layouts. Supports touch swipe navigation on iPad and Android tablets. 8 example variations included with source package. Around 55 plugin settings included for deeper customization. The captions can be customized by both plugin settings as well as CSS . More than 6 Variations: Options: Slideshow 4 Transition effects to...



Try now LeTabs for WordPress! LeTabs transforms clean HTML structure into interactive animated tab-content widget that offers several ways of customization everyone may find useful. Initialization is automatic with default options (for unexperienced users) along with very easy way to create required elements attached to tabs you need. Package includes how-to documentation with examples. LeTabs (4.4.2012) Fixed w3c validation issue Opt...

HTML5 Fullscreen Gallery

HTML5 Fullscreen Gallery

This is a full HTML5 script. But don’t worry because it works just as good in older Internet Explorer browsers. This script is flexible and perfect feature for showcasing great photography while displaying subtle text/description on the bottom. Using this script is really simple. It comes with emotion evoking piano background music and a minimalistic two level sticky menu down the bottom. All colors can be altered via the CSS stylesheet. Th...

Showcase - jQuery plugin

Showcase - jQuery plugin

ShowCase is a jquery plug-in that is designed to demonstrate works of your portfolio website, products of your on-line shop or images of your photo gallery. You are able to set up rows and columns, change size of blocks, animation speed, delay and easing effect as well as direction (vertical or horizontal), pause time, navigation and auto start settings.

CSS3 Accordions For WordPress

CSS3 Accordions For WordPress

CSS3 Accordions For WordPress CSS3 Accordions For WordPress is a WordPress Accordions Plugin based on pure CSS3. It comes with intuitive admin panel, horizontal and vertical layout and color picker for unlimited color skins. You can put content of any type inside accordion expandable section including lists, images or any custom HTML code. Accordions will work in all modern browsers. IE 6 – 8 is supported by JS (jQuery Fallback). This version ...

RoyalSlider - Touch Content Slider for WordPress

RoyalSlider - Touch Content Slider for WordPress

New RoyalSlider for WordPress is responsive image gallery and HTML content slider plugin with touch-swipe navigation. Plugin is mobile-friendly and allows creating completely custom slideshows and css3 banner rotators with images, videos or HTML content in slides. You can also dynamically populate data from Flickr, 500px, or featured posts of any post type – like WooCommerce products. Developed in best pracises of CSS3 and HTML5. For photo gal...