
Last Update
3 April 2012
Regular License

Try now LeTabs for WordPress! LeTabs transforms clean HTML structure into interactive animated tab-content widget that offers several ways of customization everyone may find useful. Initialization is automatic with default options (for unexperienced users) along with very easy way to create required elements attached to tabs you need.

Package includes how-to documentation with examples.

LeTabs (4.4.2012)

Fixed w3c validation issue Optimized for iFrame Note: When upgrading from any lower to this version, all LeTabs elements with ‘ID’ attribute need to be changed to ‘CLASS’ attribute in order to work. This is related to w3c fix in this version.

LeTabs v1.3 (14.12.2011)

Fixed bug when links inside content didn’t work

LeTabs v1.2 (04.12.2011)

Lot of new styles Small fixes

LeTabs v1.1 (23.11.2011)

Fully compatible with jQuery 1.4.4+ jQuery-UI is now not required after integrating without defined options (animation default setting is now set to “swing” Minor fixes

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