online conversion

Live Currency Converter v.1.2

Live Currency Converter v.1.2

LIVE CURRENCY CONVERTER Live Currency Converter features an easy to use interface and delivers regularly updated currency conversion on all commonly used currencies from around the world. This simple to use currency converter offers reliable rates for over 80 currencies. Features: Easy to install and implement 84 Different Currencies No database required No Javascript required Ability to add any languages Ability to display result anywhere de...

Send to Waze | WordPress Widget

Send to Waze | WordPress Widget

“Send to Waze” is a WordPress plugin that empowers you to place widgets on your website to allow visitors to get GPS directions to your place using their Waze application. WHAT ?! Let say you have a shop (not just online) and you want your visitors in your website to be able visit your shop easily. Easy…. such as one simple touch … or one simple SMS. Now it can be done! With “Send to Waze” you can place a simple widget on your pages that inv...

Unit converter class

Unit converter class

This class makes unit conversion verry simple. You only have to call one function to convert a value from one unit to another. It is also verry simple to add your own units to the class using xml. Currently the class supports following units: Angle Area Data Density Energy Length Pressure Temperature Time Velocity Volume Weight 31-08-2011 Light But I am willing to add any units, just post a comment You can view the documentation onl...



!! Notice – Important !! Finally.. Yoast & Landingpages are working fine together again! Everything is tested with the most recent versions of Yoast / WordPress and Landingpages!     With the WordPress plugin ‘Landing Pages’ you can add multiple pages to your WordPress website, completely automatic. The plugin uses [keywords] which lets you create a variety of pages on a very easy way. Because of the build-in interval function you can set ...

Exchange Rate Converter

Exchange Rate Converter

Exchange Rate Converter is an easy to use PHP class for converting currencies from one currency to another. With support for 88 different currencies, Google powered, and ease of use; this is a great solution for your online shopping site. Rate source: Citibank N.A. Served via Google API. Updated at least daily. Updated v1.0.2 No code was changed in this release. Included “Reverse” example (like shown in the demo) UPDATED v1.0.1 B...

Currency Converter

Currency Converter

This PHP class is a multilingual currency converter for over 80 currencies. It uses daily updated exchange rates so the conversions are always correct. This class can for example be used in an online shop to automatic convert prizes of your products to an other currencie. Below you find a list of supported currencies: AED : U.A.E. Dirham ANG : Netherland Antilles Guilder ARS : Argentine Peso AUD : Australian Dollar GBP British po...