euro to dollar

Currency Converter

Currency Converter

This is jQuery plugin that creates currency conversion widget. This widget is flexible customizable and easily integratable in any site working on different platforms. Your website visitors can convert currencies using latest exchange rates. Features Flexible customizable Quick and easy integration Support up to 93 currencies 6 built-in themes Live currency updates Localization ready Compatible with all major browsers Applications demo Site...

Currency Converter

Currency Converter

This PHP class is a multilingual currency converter for over 80 currencies. It uses daily updated exchange rates so the conversions are always correct. This class can for example be used in an online shop to automatic convert prizes of your products to an other currencie. Below you find a list of supported currencies: AED : U.A.E. Dirham ANG : Netherland Antilles Guilder ARS : Argentine Peso AUD : Australian Dollar GBP British po...