currency exchange

Our Money Exchange

Our Money Exchange

This pluggin supports up to 168 exchange rates. Easy to set up and run. You can get the currency changes of or a url option according to what you prefer. Our Money Exchange for Wordpress provides the ability to offer exchange rates updated in real time or stored in cache the results when you have limited request.

Live Currency Converter v.1.2

Live Currency Converter v.1.2

LIVE CURRENCY CONVERTER Live Currency Converter features an easy to use interface and delivers regularly updated currency conversion on all commonly used currencies from around the world. This simple to use currency converter offers reliable rates for over 80 currencies. Features: Easy to install and implement 84 Different Currencies No database required No Javascript required Ability to add any languages Ability to display result anywhere de...

Banner/Popup Ad Exchange

Banner/Popup Ad Exchange

With this script you can easily allow users to advertise on the sites of others, thus the user whose advertising displayed when the user clicks on the ad earns a 1 impression. If the user does not have enough impressions can buy a bundle of impressions that will be used to advertise on sites that have been added to the script. Live demo: Admin panel: Admin details: / ...

Currency Converter (WP)

Currency Converter (WP)

Currency Converter Wordpress Widget This currency conversion widget is easy to install and implement. Supports up to 150 currency rates. Rate conversion is done with ajax, so once you type an amount or change the currency it automatically updates. Currency exchange rates are fetched from a reliable source. Currency Converter for Wordpress gives you the ability to provide real-time updated currency rates. Please If you are going to rat...

JBMarket Currency Rates - Standalone

JBMarket Currency Rates - Standalone

J.B.Currency Rates is a widget allowing you to display currency rates for nearly all currencies across the world. jQuery driven. Uses AJAX technology. Ability to add/remove, convert currencies and compare them against base currency. Adjustable dimensions. Color customizable (through the stylesheet). Layered PSD included

Premium Currency Converter for jQuery

Premium Currency Converter for jQuery

Overview With Premium Currency Converter for jQuery, you allow your visitors to convert all the prices on your site using a little tool. They also get a little calculator to quickly convert currencies. All the exchange rates are daily updated and stored in your HTML5 Local Storage. Live Preview View Wordpress Version Main Features HTML5 Local Storage The script uses your browser’s HTML5 localStorage to save the exchange rates so it doesn...

Premium Currency Converter for Wordpress

Premium Currency Converter for Wordpress

Overview Premium Currency Converter for Wordpress is a plugin that allows visitors to convert all prices, within a price shortcode, on your site to a currency they like in real-time. They also get a little calculator to quickly convert currencies. All the currencies are daily updated from ecb.ini, and you even get the ability to add more custom currencies using an easy-to-use admin panel. Live Preview View jQuery Version Main Features Co...



This is a currency conversion tool that can be used on iPhone,Android,Windows,Blackberry,Meego and many more mobile devices.Provides live currency conversion for over more than 200 currencies.