
Ninety Ajax Login/Register for WordPress

Ninety Ajax Login/Register for WordPress

Our Sidebar Login/Register plugin for WordPress does exactly what it says on the tin; Logins and Registrations with a touch of Ajax magic. It also has a nice ‘logged in’ view, and a lost password form for those forgetful folk. Its easy to get started – in most cases just activate the plugin, add the widget to your sidebar and go! Features A login and registration widget for your blog Tabs/links for logged out users include login, regis...

Download Manager

Download Manager

Download Manager let’s you create your own repository of downloadable files, which can be tagged and organized into categories. Users may also login and register to comment on and rate downloads. Download Manager comes with all the functionality of User Manager. Features Organize download into categories / sub-categories Track how many times a file has been downloaded Users can login, register and even login using Facebook Users can rate a...

URL Shortener

URL Shortener

There are numerous services out there that let you create small URLs like tinyurl and bit.ly so that you can easily insert into Tweets and other social network updates but sometimes it’s nice to retain brand identity when creating links to your own site. URL Shortener let’s you create your own short URLs for your domains so users recognize your site instantly, for instance; yoursite.com/YuvbG. If you wish you can also give users the oppo...

Ajax user form

Ajax user form

Enhance your Login and Registration system. Let user login, register and manage their Profile within your sidebar. Features Overview: Ajax Login Login via Ajax in just a click away Ajax Registration Now your site visitor can register in just one click without a page load via Ajax. Activation Account If you have disabled auto-activation, User can either get activated by following the link in email or by clicking Ajax Activation link...

PHP Security & User Management

PHP Security & User Management

Please Note: This app is no longer supported… 15 Feature Packed Components Rolled into 1 Powerful Application! Welcome to the Ultimate “PHP Security and User Management”. In a nutshell, this application features: Login, Registration, Password Reset, Lost User Name, Lost Activation, Role based Page Security, User Profiles, Complete User Account/Credentials Management Back-End, PayPal Subscriptions Manager for Premium Membership, Subscription...

Simply Advanced User System

Simply Advanced User System

Demo credentials: Username: demo Password: demo This PHP script offers you the ability to quickly and efficiently set up a fully functional user system on your website. It also allows you to easily expand its capabilities so that you can get the most out of this powerful script. By default, your users will be able to become friends with other users, as well as message other users through the message page. Your users are also given a prof...



Satisfy Us is a community support and feedback tool, similar to Get Satisfaction. The goal of Satisfy Us is to establish a place where your customers can come to report problems directly to you, give you ideas, ask questions, and, importantly, give you praise for doing a great job! Users can sign up and contribute their thoughts on you or your product, users can then vote on topics which are important to them by starring them. The most p...

Protect Your Pages

Protect Your Pages

Last updated: 13.7.2011 Update 1.2 Protect Your Pages If you are in a need for a simple and easy-to-use password protection and user authentication for your pages, but do not require a complicated user management system then look no further! Protect Your Pages is a session-based login system with the ability to define multiple users with different access levels. Features: No database required, only PHP . Full documentation provided ...



Simple user system based on MySQLi using prepared statements for better security. Developed in PHP 5 .3. Passwords are prefixed with random salts and SHA1 hashed. Last activity update functionality. Flexible user information capabilities. Easily integrated into an administration interface. Complete with reference to methods and members of the object, samplefiles to review basic functionalities and a simple install script to help you se...

AJAX Contact Form Pro + AJAX Admin Panel

AJAX Contact Form Pro + AJAX Admin Panel

This is a reusable, Object-Oriented and self-contained PHP /AJAX Contact Form that is very simple to install and to customize. You can customize the required fields, error messages, email titles, and so on, by modifying a simple configuration file. Thus, this useful component doesn’t require any coding skills. More Features Read/Answer your messages from the Admin Panel. This script DOES NOT require a MySql database. Smooth AJAX inter...