Ajax user form

Last Update
13 December 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Enhance your Login and Registration system. Let user login, register and manage their Profile within your sidebar.

Features Overview:

Ajax Login Login via Ajax in just a click away

Ajax Registration Now your site visitor can register in just one click without a page load via Ajax.

Activation Account If you have disabled auto-activation, User can either get activated by following the link in email or by clicking Ajax Activation link.

Request Password User can request password within the sidebar, without any hassle.

Manage profile now user don’t need to go the Wordpress Default profile Page, your user will get a professional and easiest Ajax Profile manage Page, so they can edit their profile withing the sidebar .

Localization Fully Localized, can be translated into your own language.

Compatibility Fully compatible up latest version o Wordpress. You can use it on WPMU Wordpress Multi User as well.