jquery content slider

Social Network Tabs For Wordpress

Social Network Tabs For Wordpress

Includes 16 social networks with 69 feed options: NOW WITH FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE + & LINKEDIN SHARE LINKS! Combine all of your favorite social networks profiles & feeds into slick slide out or static tabs with Social Network Tabs for WordPress Fast loading with each social network feed loaded using AJAX only when required! Latest version includes Facebook, Twitter, Google + & LinkedIn share links to make you social network feed...

Evo Slider Pro - jQuery Slider Plugin

Evo Slider Pro - jQuery Slider Plugin

Evo Slider Pro – jQuery Slideshow & Content Slider Plugin EVO SLIDER PRO 2.1.4 IS HERE Evo Slider is an all in one jQuery slider that lets you create any type of content slider and give you the flexibility to use it in a variety of ways – whether you’re building anything from an image gallery, to a banner rotator and lots of things in-between. Evo Slider is the best, and probably last jQuery slider plugin you’ll ever need. Simple,...

Vertical Sidebar Gallery - jQuery Slider

Vertical Sidebar Gallery - jQuery Slider

Vertical Sidebar Gallery is a jQuery plugin and theme templates that create a stunning vertical image slider with three rotation degrees. Vertical Sidebar Gallery is a perfect companion for your website’s sidebar. You can use it as an image gallery or featured post scroller. Put unlimited amount of content in limited space! You just need to generate the HTML of your content and the gallery will do the rest. It is trendy, intuitive, and will en...

Banner Rotator / Content Slider WordPress Plugin

Banner Rotator / Content Slider WordPress Plugin

UPDATE COMPLETE , VERSION V 3 .0 IS AVAILABLE . CHECK LIVE PREVIEW ! New Features: – Responsive behavior – Full Width version – External URL link parameter for large image – Top right circle timer ... and many code improvements   All In One is an Advanced Jquery Slider WordPress plugin which comes in 5 flavors: Banner Rotator, Thumbnails Banner, Banner with Playlist, Content Slider, Carousel. It allows you to easily create powerful sl...

Ether Content Builder WordPress Plugin

Ether Content Builder WordPress Plugin

Ether Content Builder WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool for building custom content pages aided with innovative visual composer. It comes equipped with many commonly used widgets that can be laid out via interactive drag&drop interface. Ether Builder can use 3rd party widgets as well as custom crafted ones. Ether Builder is actively developed by Por Design and gets regular updates and bug fixes. No coding knowledge is required and it’s a...

Ether Grid Slider jQuery Plugin

Ether Grid Slider jQuery Plugin

Ether Grid Slider is an extremally functional jQuery plugin designed for transforming any type of content into practical grids and/or sliders. You can use it with any type of mixed content types such as images, videos, services, testimonials, featured stories or blog feeds to name a few. There are many thoroughly documented predefined examples you can base your configurations on. It comes with multitude of options and can be used as a base for...

WP Boxer Pro

WP Boxer Pro

Breaking News v3.0 is out. Download it now!! Check out the new tutorials (with audio) on YouTube Need more cool templates? Check out the brand new CodingOurWebShop The free version just hit 18000+ downloads on WordPress Has been reported not to work well with the following themes: ClassiPress ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS backup before you update Before updating to a newer version, always make sure you have a working backup of your current projec...

Accordion Pro

Accordion Pro

Accordion Pro is a jQuery powered horizontal accordion plugin for WordPress. Features: Multiple Skins — four attractive themes for your accordions (basic, dark, light and stitch). HTML & Visual Content Editors — enter slide content using the WordPress visual editor, or use the HTML editor if you’re more comfortable with markup. Thickbox Upload — seamless integration with WordPress allows you to use the native Thickbox functionality ...

TouchCarousel - Posts Content Slider for WordPress

TouchCarousel - Posts Content Slider for WordPress

TouchCarousel is a posts content slider WordPress plugin with touch navigation for mobile devices. You can slide custom post types, with custom taxonomies (categories, tags, e.t.c.) and create layout templates using simple templating system. It’s created based on TouchCarousel jQuery plugin, selling on CodeCanyon. New RoyalSlider for WordPress now supports posts sliding, I recommend using it instead of TouchCarousel when you don’t need mult...

LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

IMPORTANT – compatibility with jQuery 1.10.x & WordPress 3.6 The current version of LayerSlider (4.6.0) is 100% compatible with WordPress 3.6 and jQuery 1.10.x, but with the earlier versions you may get the “old jQuery issue” error message. If you purchased LayerSlider WordPress plugin from Kreatura, you will need to update it to the current version which you can download for free from here: http://codecanyon.net/downloads If you got ...