Ether Content Builder WordPress Plugin

Last Update
11 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Ether Content Builder WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool for building custom content pages aided with innovative visual composer. It comes equipped with many commonly used widgets that can be laid out via interactive drag&drop interface. Ether Builder can use 3rd party widgets as well as custom crafted ones. Ether Builder is actively developed by Por Design and gets regular updates and bug fixes. No coding knowledge is required and it’s a must have brag for any serious content publisher that works with WordPress.

Live site featuring all widgets Demonstration of building sample content in under 10 minutes! (youtube) Try the demo before you buy!. Login/Password = demo

Video Tutorials

Problems / Need help? DON’T USE CodeCanyon Comments for support requests as that’s not what they’re designed for. This will make our lifes easier. Thank you in advance! Follow Support Guidelines to get in touch with us for faster turnaround. Latest Update July 31, 2013, version 1.7.7

Added: Option to turn off Ether Content Builder widgets in sidebars Fixed: Twitter Feed Added: Image and Gallery widget can now open links in new window Fixed: Javascrip error (switchEditor.go(...) in the dashboard Fixed: Jerky tabs transitions

Comming Soon:

New widgets: Call to action bars. Alternative styles for existing widgets & extending current widgets functionality Coffee machine

Looking forward to hearing your requests!

Additional Notes:

there are still issues regarding usage of Ether Builder in ie8 (output code is fine though!)


Works with any 3rd party themes (contact us in case of problems)

Mobile ready / Responsiveness of all widgets and columns – ready to use with responsive layouts. Bunch of (20+) default widgets on every occasion to choose from + custom widgets can be added – See how to

Two-way support for sidebar widgets. You can use sidebar widgets in Ether Builder and the other way around! Added: Grid Slider integration (works with gallery, testimonials and services widget) Handy Drag & Drop interface. What you build in the admin panel is a visual representation of what you get on the page Widgets accept shortcodes and html notation Multilingual qTranslate support (a little bit crude at the moment). See usage notes

Translation ready (.po/.mo files included)

Style switcher featuring dark/light presets to better match differently themed WordPress themes

Widget List includes

12 combinations of columns Heading (h2-h6) Plain text Rich text (Now available within some widgets since v.1.6.0.) HTML Image Post Content Divider Message box (6 types) Blockquote Custom bullet list (12 types) Button Video – YouTube, Vimeo or Media Grid Gallery – custom grids of images and videos up to 6×6 (grid slider ready) Table generator Twitter Feed Testimonials (grid slider ready) Services (grid slider ready) Post feed (grid slider ready) Pages feed (grid slider ready) Tabs Accordions / Toggle boxes (constrained or loose) Nivo slider Pricing table Pricing box Contact form Flickr Feed Roundabout slider Google map Code View Facebook Like Button Facebook Like Box Facebook Comments Custom widgets can be also added. See how to

Server requirements Minimum

PHP 5.2.3+ MySQL 4.1.2+ WordPress 3.1+


GD library – used for automatic image scaling and croping Curl library or allow_url_fopen option set to “On” – used for downloading external feeds, e.g. latest tweets


In case of any troubles use and abuse sources below as much as you need.

Email: – Note: When reporting plugin/theme incompatibility please include the following details in your message along with problem description for smoother turnaround:

Item purchase code you got after buying an item (It’s viewable on your Envato marketplace account under downloads section) Theme files – Especially if it’s a commercial theme – so that we can run local tests if necessary (What are theme files? Theme files define your site look and functionality. You can send us the same theme files that you downloaded or zip* them yourself) Are you using any other plugins? If so, zip* them together and attach to your message as well so that we can run local tests if necessary (Plugins are viewable under Plugins section in WordPress admin dasboard. Only active ones are necessary.) WordPress admin dashboard access – so that we can have a direct look at the issue if necessary as sometimes we may not be able to replicate the issue in our environment. It also makes the process easier and faster. FTP access details – so that we can have a direct look at the issue if necessary as sometimes we may not be able to replicate the issue in our environment. It also makes the process easier and faster.

Support Forum

*Use file archiver such as WinRar or other compression software. In case you don’t know how google it, it’s very very simple

Note: We usually respond within 1-7 days from reporting the issue. Outroduction In case of any troubles you talk to us directly so let’s get to know each other better. We’re WordPress enthusiasts. We live in Poland. We develop for web independently full-time. This should do for starters. Want to know more – visit us on irc for a blether. Cheers!

Update Log July 31, 2013, version 1.7.7

Added: Option to turn off Ether Content Builder widgets in sidebars Fixed: Twitter Feed Added: Image and Gallery widget can now open links in new window Fixed: Javascrip error (switchEditor.go(...) in the dashboard Fixed: Jerky tabs transitions

June 11, 2013, version 1.7.6

Fixed: issue with facebook official plugin (unfortunately widgets from this plugin won’t be available within ether builder) Fixed: additional classes for divider widget Fixed: heading menu nested inside a column not showing up Added: Column options Fixed: infinite loop in canvas

May 05, 2013, version 1.7.5 Fixed: Internal Server Error (500) April 20, 2013, version 1.7.4

Fixed: issue with thesis theme Fixed: Ether Builder takes into account password protected posts Fixed: Simplekey theme issue Fixed: Visual composer compatibillity Fixed: Rich Text Added: TED video support for video widget Added: Video support for Services widget (youtube, vimeo, ted, blip) Added: Start item position for sliders (Gallery, Testimonials, Services widgets) Changed: Documentation updates (mainly regarding custom CSS rules) Fixed: Navigation arrows getting partially cut off in Gallery Widget Added: Custom label for Rich Text widget Fixed: Rich Text widget error in sidebar widgets

March 5, 2013, version 1.7.3

Fixed: jQuery 2.0 compatibility Fixed: Removed conditional ( ! user_can_richedit()) – rich text editor should be more stable now Fixed: “wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/en.js 404” Error Fixed: Ether does not use built in get_called_class function as it caused too many problems in cases where 3rd party theme/plugin used own implementation of the function and ether assumed it to be a core function (Double from prev update) Fixed: removed deprecated wp_tiny_mce() function from builder.php Added: support for https protocol when including css/js

February 4, 2013, version 1.7.2

Fixed: bug with generating wrong slugs (caused by sidebar widgets using wp_query and the_post when moving them from sidebars to builder) Fixed: Ether does not use built in get_called_class function as it caused too many problems in cases where 3rd party theme/plugin used own implementation of the function and ether assumed it to be a core function Fixed: Lightbox issues Added: Resave with the same name to update layouts Fixed: IE7 Columns issues Fixed: IE7 Form Fields issues

December 13, 2012, version 1.7.2

Fixed: Behaviour of tabs in ie8/7 Fixed: Behaviour of galleries in ie8/7

December 13, 2012, version 1.7.1

Support for strong Post Revisions (beta) – it’s turned off by default and can be turned on in Ether > Builder > Enable revision support for Builder content Fixed: Scroll Spy issues Fixed: Conflicts with some theme/plugins interfering with searching posts for Ether Content Builder content Fixed: ‘output buffering’ issue causing fatal error Fixed: pods plugin conflict Fixed: Saving/Loading Ether Content Builder templates Fixed: Links in admin bar removed for users without proper permissions Added: Widget label (misc tab) – allows to provide custom title/label for a widget that appears in admin view (so you can have a widget titled ‘Image – custom image description’ rather than ‘Image – /path/to/image/or-other-cryptic-stuff’) Fixed: Warnings caused by changes applied to $wpdb->prepare() method in WordPress 3.5

November 1, 2012, version 1.7

Added: Blank Canvas option via Builder metabox for creating landing pages without any theme styles and only Ether Content Builder widgets Added: CSS style widget for adding extra css rules on a single page Added: Ether > Builder > Custom CSS field for any global css changes Added: Template Widget – Allows templates to be added to a page the same way widgets are Added: Link Widget Addded: Heading menu / Scrollspy menu that takes headings that exist within the content and creates a menu out of them Fixed: New Twitter api compatibility Fixed: Error in WordPress 3.5 beta2 Fixed: Unit type input in field widgets (px / % / em) Added: ID attribute for heading widget Added: Custom href destination for divider widget Fixed: Javascript error: “undefined switchEditor” Added: Filters for defining new selectboxes in widget styles (ether_image_frames, ether_blockquote_styles, ether_table_styles, ether_multi_styles (tabs and accordion), ether_testimonials_styles, ether_pricing-table_styles, ether_heading-menu_styles) Added: Filter for adding new color presets in Ether > Builder – ether_builder_presets Added: Support for default featured image for post feeds. If Ether Builder does not find one set in Builder metabox it will try and search for it in featured image.

September 30, 2012, version 1.6.9

Fixed: Roundabout width and alignment issues Fixed: Post/Page feed featured image frame not changing styles (Now you can choose between no frame or two predefined ether styles Fixed: Gridslider height and navigation not adjusting after window resize Fixed: Gridslider responsiveness issues in some cases (including IE7/IE8 fix) Fixed: UI tweaks Fixed: Random disappearing of some widgets in dense column combinations in some cases. Fixed: Form button color in dark Ether Builder theme Fixed: Loading templates from the builder metabox Fixed: Divider back to top link not working sometimes

September 18, 2012, version 1.6.8

Fixed: shortcodes conflicts (shortcodes from all plugins should wor flawlessly now) Fixed: metabox builder Fixed: hardcoded strings in builder.js that prevented a few phrases from being translated to other languages Fixed: rich text issue with visual editor tab turned off Fixed: image insert in image related widgets (galleries) (it used to break sometimes so that inserted images would line up in one column instead of three) Fixed: gallery titles Fixed: issues with post feed and some galleries overlapping other widgets due to their height being incorectly calculated Added: One Column Widget (Duplicating of multiple widgets is easier when they’re packed into one container ;))

September 02, 2012, version 1.6.7

Added: Spanish translation thanks to elpuntografico

Added: Cancel button in widget modal window Fixed: Several widget issues after duplicating (Tabs and tooltips within builder widget modals not working after duplicating + others) Fixed: All remaining admin panel menu issues Fixed: “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-content/plugins/ether-builder/modules/builder.php on line 674” Fixed: Quform compatibility error Fixed: Aligned Images popping out of testimonials Updated: Roundabout options

August 28, 2012, version 1.6.6

Fixed: Hide ‘more’ button in post feeds widget Added: Hide excerpts option to post feeds Fixed: Bug: columns widget breaking up after saving changes to a page (last update fixes were insufficient) Fixed: Widget alignment issues

August 24, 2012, version 1.6.5

Fixed: Bug: columns widget breaking up after saving changes to a page Fixed: images tab in media library can insert images into visual editor now, too Added: Other widgets featuring Rich text can have images added now, too Added: Prevention of caching js/css files in admin panel after new releases Fixed: allow_url_fopen removed from required dependencies list (so the error caused by it won’t appear anymore UI adjustments to the backend

August 23, 2012, version 1.6.4

UI upgrade: Tabbed widget options, enhanced labels and tooltips Added: Updated Roundabout widget Fixed: Search results bug Added: New gallery option: Front Image Only – displays only one image, the rest is available in the lightbox Added: Upload/Insert button for Rich Text widget (comming soon to other rich texts within tabs, services, testimonials etc.)

August 19, 2012, version 1.6.3

Added: WPML integration (beta; Ether Builder widgets are copied automatically when creating pages for translation) Added: Ether menu can be now additionally toggled in the top admin bar (manage its’ visibility via screen options)

Added Duplicate Widget Button. You can duplicate Single widgets or whole groups (via columns widget) Single list widget can be now arranged into (1-10) columns or inline Added image widget title on hover option + capability of setting any explicit size including % for either linked or not image elements (earlier all entries were converted to pixel values Fixed: Services widget styles issue with left/right aligned images Fixed: Gridslider overflow when items are not manipulated in any way (it was affecting – cropping – testimonials style decoration earlier) Fixed: Gallery grid height modes and image stretch mode. Galleries are now more badass and customizable than anywhere. Fixed: builder widgets missing in “widgets area” Fixed: Builder display issues in some specific cases for reported single pages Fixed: Appending builder styles for pages where Ether Builder Widgets are present only in sidebar area Added: ether_builder_header action is called only once now (it used to fire multiple times earlier in some cases) Fixed: Video Widget display isssues Fixed: Nasty textarea bug within Ether Builder modal window that prevented user from changing its’ size + caused a display glitch in chrome Added: More prominent indication of active tab/accordion in tab/accordion widget Added: Gallery / Nivo / Flicker can now be aligned and have explicit width set (they were always 100% of the container width before) Fixed: IE7 display issues Revised gui interface in some widgets Added: Price Box Text gridslider functionality + color option (There was a background option only present before

August 7, 2012, version 1.6.1

fixed bug in ether_builder_widgets filter fixed builder widgets in sidebars fixed custom bullet list styles (this time for real :P) fixed dark/light themes inconsistiencies fixed button text alignment

August 4, 2012, version 1.6.0

added style switcher (light/dark styles available for now) (BETA) added rich text editor for widgets wherever applicable added posts feed + pages feed widgets + option to make specific pages featured / set featured image (for display in pages feed) revised template manager with a more compact look added alternative styles for accordion and tabs widgets added constrain ratio for gallery widget constrain option (so now you can have relative rectangles rather than squares only) fixed “invalid argument supplied for foreach” warning” fixed 404 errors in ether-builder.css (reset-16px.png and save-16px.png) added ether_builder_widget and ether_builder_{WIDGET_SLUG}_widget filters fixed alignment of linked images (image widget) fixed gallery display issues (images overflowing vertically) fixed pricing tables styles refreshed ether builder admin pages layout and look

significantly revised documentation – updated with common faqs and custom Ether Builder filters description added support for utf-8 serialized data and a new method of fixing it

July 14, 2012, version 1.5.2

Fixed: Migration issues (if serialized data gets damaged during migration Ether Builder will try to fix it automatically) Fixed: JigoShop compatibility Fixed: Images issue in product categories in WooCommerce plugin Fixed: Displaying nivo slider and roundabout on mobile devices Added: Template tags: ether_builder::the_content and ether_builder::get_the_content as custom wordpress template tags equivalents (useful in custom loops) Added: Lightbox option for single images Added: Option to turn off default lightbox and plug in custom one (functions.php -> add ether: ether::config(‘builder_lightbox’, FALSE)) Fixed: Accordion constrain option Fixed: Custom Bullet List styles and alignment

June 18, 2012, version 1.5.1

Added: ether_builder_widgets filter (you can now hook up and manipulate registered widgets in Builder) Fixed: Displaying Ether Builder content on archive pages Added: Option to enable/disable displaying Ether Builder content on archive pages (Ether > Builder screen in admin panel) Fixed: Nivo Slider styles overwriting

June 12, 2012, version 1.5.0

Added: Video/Image responsiveness in galleries as well as separate items Added: Custom linking for images from Gallery, Image and Services widgets Fixed: Services classes Fixed: Rich Text does not break anymore when visual editor is turned off in user settings Fixed: cannot read property ‘slideshow’ of undefined Added: Option to toggle HTML/Visual tabs on/off in Ether > Builder

June 02, 2012, version 1.4.8

Fixed: Removed Default sidebar Fixed: Visual-HTML tabs toggling Fixed: Minor classes glitches in tables and testimonials Fixed: Problem with sidebar widgets after deactivating Ether Builder Ether Framework 1.6.0

May 30, 2012, version 1.4.7

Fixed: Vertical Tabs Fixed: Missing argument warnings Fixed: Rich text translation issues for non-english languages

May 25, 2012, version 1.4.5

Added: Framework and plugin version info Added: Server-feature-test for easier troubleshooting Fixed: missing prefixes for some css classes (alignment etc.)

May 23, 2012, version 1.4.4

Removed: error handler in production environment Fixed warnings Fixed Nivo Slider responsive Fxied Nivo Slider pause time

May 19, 2012, version 1.4.3

Added: Autoupdate

Fixed: Nivo slider and Roundabout disappearing content issue Fixed: Removed error handler in a production environment Fixed: Accordion and tabs broken after the last update

May 16, 2012, version 1.4.2

Fixed: Ether_prototype class renamed to ether which should prevent all “Fatal error: Class ‘ether’ not found” errors from occurring Fixed: Duplicate entries in search results Fixed: Woothemes admin panel conflict

May 6, 2012, version 1.4.1

Added: Custom classes for sidebar widgets available in Ether Builder Added: Builder Templates (metabox in the top right) Added: Code view (syntax highlighter) widget Added: 3 Facebook widgets (like button, comments, like box) Fixed: Button widget Fixed: Services widget

April 20, 2012, version 1.4

Added: Ether Builder configuration page: Define what Custom Post Types use Ether Builder and what widgets to display in it. Set builder as a default tab. More options to come soon! ;) Added: Color picker for color inputs Added: Flickr feed widget with built-in gallery-like gridslider options Added: Adding custom classes for some widgets Added: Three predefined button styles – small, medium and big Added: Show/hide address bubble in google map Added: Heading widget -> h1 tag option added Added: Blockquote styles Added: toggle on-hover titles for images in gallery widget Added: Frame type select for image and gallery widget Added: Pricing table widget Added: Pricing box widget Added: Services widget style selectbox Added: Contact Form widget Addded: Ether Builder gui enhancements Fixed WP e-commerce plugin compatibility (disable builder tab for product custom post type in builder admin page) Fixed: WP search engine finds matches within content from Ether Builder now, too Fixed: Ether Builder stylesheets loaded only when necessary Fixed: Disappearing Ether Builder content after page update Fixed: Volt themes compatibility Fixed: Whitelight theme compatibility Fixed: Sport Edget theme compatibility Fixed: ithemes compatibility

March 23, 2012, version 1.3

Added: Two-way support for sidebar widgets. You can use sidebar widgets in Ether Builder and the other way around! Added: functionality included (works with gallery, testimonials and services widget) Fixed: Colorbox conflict if a theme already had colorbox included

March 15, 2012, version 1.2.1

Fixed: Bones responsive theme compatibility Fixed: Apex theme compatibility Fixed: General code formatting in some themes Fixed: W3 Total Cache Plugin compatibility Fixed: Images tab issue when dealing with large amounts of images. 8000 should be no problem anymore

Fixed: Localization issues Fixed: Tabs/Accordion widget compatibility

March 13, 2012, version 1.2

Fixed: Selection of inputs and textareas in Firefox Fixed: Proper selection of tabs in admin panel Fixed: Woocommerce compatibility Added: Alternative frames for image widget Visual GUI improvements

March 11, 2012, version

Added: Default lightbox (colorBox) in case a theme doesn’t provide one Added: New Google Map widget options (zoom level, display mode) Added: New Nivo widget options (transition, animation speed, pause time) Added: New Table Generator options (styles selectbox) Added: Multilingual qTranslate support (a little bit crude at the moment). Added: Testimonials widget Added: Highly customizable Services widget Fixed: Responsiveness of images in image widget Fixed: Responsiveness of videos in media grids in gallery widget Fixed: Builder tab will show up even with Visual editor disabled Further improvements to Ether Builder UI

March 9, 2012, version

Added: Support for all Custom Post Types by default + manual selection possible Added: IE7 support for generated content Added: Accordion can have toggle box functionality Refreshed builder ui