javascript date



jQueryFacebookWall is a jquery plugin that will build a timeline or wall style post feed on your website with your Facebook account data. jQueryFacebookWall includes options to show events, likes, photos, and albums. It also includes a Facebook style lightbox to browse photo galleries. And best of all, it has user interactions so photos, posts, and comments can be liked or commented on. See it in action at



Regal Calendar is a component that allows you make known your events every day, let your visitors see when your event starts, the location via google maps and confirm their attendace via Twitter. RegalCalendar Features Easy integration Twitter search and post CSS3 animations More than 300 event types 14 color combinations Event count down Location of your event by google maps 5+ tooltip styles Modal option Metro style Updates V...

Keywords Advertising

Keywords Advertising

1. How did Keywords Advertising come out? When your site has a large number of articles and visitors each day, why not increase your site’s revenue by selling ads on your site? But, placing banners will not be a good idea because it would make your site look messy if there are many of them. You will need a professional tool which automatically draws revenue to your pocket. Keywords Advertising is your wise choice. 2. Keywords Advertising is fo...

Lively Validator

Lively Validator

Lively Validator is the jQuery plugin that validates form input data. It checks that only valid data is submitted, and also provides a user-friendly, responsive and lively interface to guide users as they fill out a form. With a selection of over 30 different validation types including required, confirm, alphabetic, credit card numbers, minimum and maximum number or characters, file size, file type and dates. The plugin displays two types of...

jCountdown Mega Package

jCountdown Mega Package

jCountdown is a highly customizable jQuery plugin, you can easily to use it on your site, you can try some different setting at preview page, and check all properties and methods at below check the WordPress Plugin here jCountdown Mega Package for Wordpress Update Log v1.1.1 02/12/2012 fix bug about can’t correctly parse some timeText format v1.1 27/11/2012 add new properity width and displayLabel, and now texts won’t warp, all texts wil...

J.B.Weather Widget 2.0 - Standalone

J.B.Weather Widget 2.0 - Standalone

J.B.Weather (ver 2.0) is a simple widget for displaying weather conditions and forecast for places across the world. jQuery driven uses AJAX technology Cache Search Bar with auto complete function Ability to set default location Ability to auto detect user location using HostIP service or its own integrated geoip database. Celsius or Fahrenheit units Kilometers or Miles units Displays today’s date, temperature, ...