J.B.Weather Widget 2.0 - Standalone

Last Update
29 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

J.B.Weather (ver 2.0) is a simple widget for displaying weather conditions and forecast for places across the world.

jQuery driven

uses AJAX technology


Search Bar with auto complete function

Ability to set default location

Ability to auto detect user location using HostIP service or its own integrated geoip database.

Celsius or Fahrenheit units

Kilometers or Miles units

Displays today’s date, temperature, wind direction and speed, forecast for next 4 days

Color or Black and White layout

Has its own unique icons Updates

28 March 2013 - API url has been changed. - Added separate cache folder. - The widget will make 3 attempts per 3 seconds to get data on ajax error. - If the API return no data the widget will dump the full xml content for debugging purpose. - Added option for days translation (through translate.txt file). - Minor bug fixes.

NOTE:: You may need to obtain new API key if you already have one.

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