
Last Update
24 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

jQueryFacebookWall is a jquery plugin that will build a timeline or wall style post feed on your website with your Facebook account data. jQueryFacebookWall includes options to show events, likes, photos, and albums. It also includes a Facebook style lightbox to browse photo galleries. And best of all, it has user interactions so photos, posts, and comments can be liked or commented on. See it in action at http://ironlasso.com/jqueryfacebookwall-plugin/

New Features

*Now does not require php!


August 23, 2013

Updated Facebook Login Permissions Requests. Some users where having when trying to like or comment on lightbox images. jQueryFacebookWall.js line 1036 Safari Long Date Display bug fix. jQueryFacebookWall.js jQueryFacebookWall.js line 1098-1103 Added a click event to set focus on the comment box from the comment link in the lightbox. jQueryFacebookWall.js line 270-281

August 18, 2013

FB Graph change causes like count to display as ‘undefined’. Fix changes to:

jQueryFacebookWall.js line 661, added a summary field to likes "&fields=id,comments.limit("+$this.options.comments.limit+").fields(id,created_time,like_count,from,message),status_type,picture, full_picture, source, properties, name, caption, description, link, from,message,story,likes,object_id,shares"+ replace with "&fields=id,comments.limit("+$this.options.comments.limit+").fields(id,created_time,like_count,from,message),status_type,picture, full_picture, source, properties, name, caption, description, link, from,message,story,likes.summary(true),object_id,shares"+ templates/story.ejs line 79, display like count from summary field. <% if(this.likes){ %><%=this.likes.count%><% } %> replaced with <% if(this.likes){ %><%=this.likes.summary.total_count%><% } %> If your interested in the FB graph change details see https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2013/06/26/october-2013-platform-changes You can replace the entire files if you have not done any custom work to those files, otherwise I suggest finding that code and replacing it. Sorry for the trouble.

June 27, 2013

jQueryFacebookWall.js Updates to debugging options. Pops an alert if the Facebook App Access Token is invalid. Updated where the App Access Token is stored. Changed from .php to .html so plugin doesn’t require php.