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CatchyStrap Bootstrap Responsive Skin

CatchyStrap Bootstrap Responsive Skin

Introducing CatchyStrap for Bootstrap Check the LIVE Demo, be aware that some elements have been pulled off the live demo  News: catchyStrap has now been updated. Thanks for the wait   Thank you for taking a keen intrested in the catchystrap for twitter bootstrap. It’s a highly customised skin to help your projects and future products have a unique feel and touch.  VERY IMPORTANT: You might think that there is no difference between th...



Batch minify HTML , CSS and JavaScript on the Mac Smaller is a powerful HTML , CSS and JavaScript compressor on Mac OS X which also has the ability to combine several files into one. CSS and JavaScript compression is powered by YUI Compressor while for HTML compression it uses htmlcompressor. It’s definitely a must have for every Mac based web developers. What’s new in Smaller 1.2: HTML Compression. Smaller can also compress HTML files now! ...

Butterfly Query Admin

Butterfly Query Admin

Butterfly Query Admin (BQA) is a drop-in, plug-and-play, paste-and-use alternative for phpMyAdmin, faster, lighter and skinnable. It is a database management tool with all required options, without the bulkiness and hassle of other tools. This script is entirely written in PHP . It does not need a MySQL database, and can be dropped in without prior installation. You can use this script on any PHP -enabled server, by simply placing the “bqa”...



jQueryUIConfirm is the simplest way to integrate jQuery UI dialog as confirmation window on an Asp.Net website. No more hugly javascript confirm! To work with it you haven’t to write a line of javascript, it’s built as custom control exposing many attributes to configure it, as a standard Asp.Net control, so you’ve only to set the title, the message and indicates the server id of the button you want to link. You can include html into win...