
Last Update
11 February 2010
Regular License

jQueryUIConfirm is the simplest way to integrate jQuery UI dialog as confirmation window on an Asp.Net website. No more hugly javascript confirm!

To work with it you haven’t to write a line of javascript, it’s built as custom control exposing many attributes to configure it, as a standard Asp.Net control, so you’ve only to set the title, the message and indicates the server id of the button you want to link.

You can include html into window’s message, customize the title and the text of the buttons. This control can be included into a bindable control (Repeater, DataList, ListView, ecc…), and it automatically sniffs any validators you’ve put on the button.

And it’s fully themeable by standards jQuery UI theme, it exposes nearly every jQuery UI configuration property. Update 21/02/2010: Fixed a bug involving masterpages.