google plus

jQuery Super Social Share

jQuery Super Social Share

Add social share buttons to any website without any knowledge of code! Compatible with IE7+, Firefox 3+, Chrome, Opera and Safari. Allow your users to share to the 5 most popular sharing social networks instantly! Without any configuration whatsoever, the Super Social Share Plugin will allow users to share any page with just a click. Wordpress version: v1.1 U...

Social Coupon for WordPress

Social Coupon for WordPress

Social Coupon for WordPress is a WooCommerce extension that allows you to easily add a social coupon system to your site that allows users to get instant discounts for sharing your pages. Social Coupon makes it super easy for you to gain thousands of new fans and followers for your brand, and increase your social media traffic. More shares = more traffic = more $$$$ How does it work? You can choose to show Social Coupon on your product pages,...

Social Locker for jQuery

Social Locker for jQuery

Latest update: 2 Mar 2013. Version: 1.3.1. Platform: for jQuery. Social Locker is a set of social buttons and a locker in one bottle. It allows you to lock a part of content on a web page until a user clicks one of the social buttons (Facebook Like, Tweet Button, Google +1) and help you to get more likes/tweets/+1s, traffic and customers!Do you still place social buttons on every page of your site? But users don’t click the ones as often as y...

Plus One 2 Unlock for Wordpress

Plus One 2 Unlock for Wordpress

Latest update: 27 Dec 2012. Version: 2.0.0. Platform: for Wordpress. The Plus One 2 Unlock plugin allows to lock a part of content on a page until the user clicks on the Google Plus One Button. What’s more, you can show the locker only for Google Plus users, and hide it for others.Do you know Google places sites that have more plusoners higher in the search results? Use the Plus One 2 Unlock plugin on your site and give people a reason why th...

Google+ Public Profile Post to RSS

Google+ Public Profile Post to RSS

With this php script you can convert a Google+ user public post to RSS , so you can import into wordpress with a plugin, for example. Supporti images, title and content.

Plus One 2 Unlock for jQuery

Plus One 2 Unlock for jQuery

Latest update: 26 Dec 2012. Current version: 2.0.0. The Plus One 2 Unlock plugin allows to lock a part of content on a page until the user clicks on the Google Plus One Button. What’s more, you can show the locker only for Google Plus users, and hide it for others.Do you know Google places sites that have more plusoners higher in the search results? Use the Plus One 2 Unlock plugin on your site and give people a reason why they need to click ...

Google Plus Author Information in Search Results

Google Plus Author Information in Search Results

Description Have you ever seen profile pictures beside search results on Google? This plugin helps you to generate this Google+ Author Information in search results by replacing the author link in your theme template with your Google+ profile link. Features WordPress 3.6 ready! (tested already with 3.6RC2) Adds a special link to every post, page or your own custom post types so that Google can crawl your site and link it with your Google+ Pr...

All-in-One Social Popup

All-in-One Social Popup

All-in-One Social Popup is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to add a highly customizable social popup box to your blog or website. It combines 7 different popups (on page load, on external link click, on copy content, on context menu, on scroll down, on idle, on click), which can be used separetely or simultaneously without conflicts. Once raised, popup asks visitors to like webpage on Facebook, +1 on Google, share on Twitter or LinkedId...

Fanciest Author Box

Fanciest Author Box

If your business relies on content marketing you should install Fanciest Author Box to: Give identity to your blog Make the connection & enable reader engagement Highlight your articles in the search engine result pages by showing the author’s face next to it Increase conversions and click-through rates Description Fanciest Author Box is a WordPress plugin developed by ThematoSoup. Its long list of features gives identity ...

Google Plus Directory

Google Plus Directory

Google Plus Directory is a fully automated script which crawls the profiles from Google+ (only public profiles), and their details (only details made public) via a Google+ Custom APi. It can fetch more than 100.000 profiles daily, so it’s pretty fast. , all profiles creates internal links which are 100% indexable by Google and other search engines. Just take a look at the script live: Features: - 100% automatic profile f...