Social Coupon for WordPress

Last Update
1 August 2013
Regular License

Social Coupon for WordPress is a WooCommerce extension that allows you to easily add a social coupon system to your site that allows users to get instant discounts for sharing your pages. Social Coupon makes it super easy for you to gain thousands of new fans and followers for your brand, and increase your social media traffic. More shares = more traffic = more $$$$

How does it work? You can choose to show Social Coupon on your product pages, cart page, and checkout page. When a social action is completed, a WooCommerce coupon code of your choice will be applied directly to their cart.


Gives your users a HUGE reason to share your pages, become a fan, and more! Hooks right into the WooCommerce coupon system! Just create a coupon in WooCommerce and select it from the drop down. Set custom URLs for Checkout & Cart Pages, and a second set just for your product pages for total control! All buttons can use the current page as the button URL! Set custom expiration date for Social Coupon to limit how long buyers must wait until using it again! Choose only the buttons you want to show – easy enable / disable of all buttons. Includes mobile layout support! Social Coupon will shrink to fit smaller screens! Slick animated button covers keep your layout / button choice looking clean! Change Social Coupon text right from settings! Retina / High DPI display ready! AJAX admin panel! Takes only seconds to install and configure! Easy edit CSS makes customizing the layout for any theme a walk in the park. i18n Support – Comes with full i18n strings ready for translation with default english .mo and .po files. Includes full documentation on how to use and install. Free updates! Supported Buttons: Facebook Like Button Facebook Share Button Google Plus Button Twitter Tweet and Follow Buttons LinkedIn Share Button. Vkontakte ( Like Button

Compatible With All The Popular Browsers

Google Chrome – All Recent Releases Firefox – All Recent Releases Safari – All Recent Releases Opera – All Recent Releases Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10+ Works on all iOS5+ devices! iPhone, iPad, and iTouch + Most Android Devices (Note that individual Social Buttons may work differently on all devices and may not be supported on some – out of my control.)

Buyer Feedback

“I cannot bloody believe it!! I bought it, and am so soooo disappointed! Why am I disappointed? I am frickin disappointed because I wasted so much money on all the other knock-offs of this plugin. To my amazement, this plugin works right out of the box as outlined in the description. I love that I tested it, and pressed the like button, and it posted it straight to my timeline wall, not just a small like in the like page only. If only I found this in the start. Thank you, and great work. A very happy $16 spent.” ~ mcollins

“Nice one :D” ~ mordauk


* Version 1.1.4 ( Uploaded 7/31/2013 ) - Updated VK init code to resolve issues - Updated Facebook Like button API - Better CSS for IE9 and older

* Version 1.1.3 ( Uploaded 7/18/2013 ) - Added support for Vkontakte Like button - Added optional button covers - Added button layouts to keep things even - New tracking in place to stop lag - Fixed issues with message showing after coupon is removed - Can now set locales for all social APIs

* Version 1.1.2 ( Re-Worked )

* Version 1.1.1 ( Uploaded 4/11/2013 ) - Fixed Share / Like both being disabled if one was off

* Version 1.1.0 ( Uploaded 3/21/2013 ) - Adds Facebook Share button support - Full Retina / High DPI Support - Updated CSS for Mobile Devices

* Version 1.0.0 ( Uploaded 11/13/2012 ) - First release