facebook covers



CoverMyFace [iPad Only] , lets you create Facebook timeline cover with an easy way ! let’s review its features : User Interface : This app provides you Facebook like interface to better interact between your covers and real like Facebook profile Unique Set Of Covers : Photo Editor : CoverMyFace uses , Aviary photo editor , to edit your covers and images Other Features : Share Covers to Facebook , Twitter , Save as image an...

facebook covers pro

facebook covers pro

facebook covers pro script (full site build on twitter bootstrap) Update You will also get an extra version with categories + admin panel (v2) facebook covers pro script (full stand alone facebook cover website build on twitter bootstrap) + Admin panel (login) Make money easy to monetize No database needed and No MySQL setup No SSL needed and easy to install Cover upload to facebook, Post to users wall (status update) Easy upload facebook cov...

Social Coupon for WordPress

Social Coupon for WordPress

Social Coupon for WordPress is a WooCommerce extension that allows you to easily add a social coupon system to your site that allows users to get instant discounts for sharing your pages. Social Coupon makes it super easy for you to gain thousands of new fans and followers for your brand, and increase your social media traffic. More shares = more traffic = more $$$$ How does it work? You can choose to show Social Coupon on your product pages,...

Slicetige Plus

Slicetige Plus

Slicetige Plus is a useful application that was created in order to provide you with a simple means of authoring Facebook pages using your digital photos as avatars or backgrounds. You can create a Facebook profile image that would match a cover photo just in a few clicks. Features: Slice and dice cover and profile image just with a few clicks QR Code generator web app Styled text with shadow,gradients and textures Social networks button...

Invite Manager

Invite Manager

Invite Manager is ideal for projects where you want to give users the opportunity to register their interest in your product or service so that you may contact them with an invite code when you are ready to start rolling out your service, like http://retweet.co.uk . Once you have launched your site or service you can enable public registrations at which point the script inherits all of the functionality offered by the ‘User / Member Manager...

Download Manager

Download Manager

Download Manager let’s you create your own repository of downloadable files, which can be tagged and organized into categories. Users may also login and register to comment on and rate downloads. Download Manager comes with all the functionality of User Manager. Features Organize download into categories / sub-categories Track how many times a file has been downloaded Users can login, register and even login using Facebook Users can rate a...

User / Member Manager

User / Member Manager

User Manager provides a simple method of integrating a member system into a new or existing site. The script features a CMS / admin panel to manage users & site settings as well as a collection of scripts that show you how to add login, registration, logout, password recovery and user access restrictions to your existing site. If you want to play around with User Manager then I suggest you check out the live demos below. Features / What ...