Fanciest Author Box

Last Update
22 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

If your business relies on content marketing you should install Fanciest Author Box to:

Give identity to your blog

Make the connection & enable reader engagement

Highlight your articles in the search engine result pages by showing the author’s face next to it

Increase conversions and click-through rates


Fanciest Author Box is a WordPress plugin developed by ThematoSoup. Its long list of features gives identity to your single or multi-author WordPress blog. Social widgets are a nice asset that let you present authors in a more personal manner and are ideal for guest bloggers.

This premium author bio plugin is very easy to use and customize. Right after installation the author bio is, by default, enabled on all your posts, pages and custom post types. You can also implement it as a widget in your sidebars, as a template tag or manually using shortcode. It is translation ready and uses color pickers which allow you to set your own color scheme.

If there’s anything we missed, please share your ideas and suggestions with us on Facebook, Twitter or in the comment section. We want to make you feel good about using Fanciest Author Box.

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Widget Shortcode Template tag Translation ready (see how you can translate it to your own language) Ability to set your own color scheme using color pickers Random author option for widgets Automatically added before or after (or both!) your posts, pages and custom post types Option to show it in your RSS feads

Widgets for Major Social Networks

Twitter bio, latest tweet Facebook like & subscribe Google+ add to circles button & rel=author verification (read FAQ section) LinkedIn widget Custom HTML tab

Testimonials The plugin is easy to use (use as a widget, shortcode, or template tag) and customize to your individual needs – and because it’s so nice, you may even persuade more people to become authors! ~AJ Clarke, WPExplorer

I got this after downloading another author box plugin that had vulnerable code. I went through the code on this plugin and I have to say – Well done!

Great code, intuitive and efficient and a big up to you for using apply_filters so other plugins can manipulate the order of the tabs. Great work, good clean code. ~Andy Bailey, CommentLuv

As Executive Editor of Gaming Illustrated, I’d been looking for a proper writer’s bio plugin for quite a while, not settling for the low-grade freebies available.

Having found the ‘Fanciest Author Box’ plugin, I can say not only were my requirements met but totally exceeded with both its feature set and customizability.

It was amazingly easy to install and configure, looked gorgeous, and made both my writers and readers more excited about visiting our site. Now my writers can get more of the attention they deserve. ~Sean, Gaming Illustrated

Installation First, you need to unpack the content of the folder you downloaded from CodeCanyon and open fanciest-author-box folder. After you do this there are two ways of installing the plugin.

1. FTP Upload: Using your FTP program, upload the non-zipped plugin folder fanciest-author-box into /wp-content/plugins folder on your server.

2. WordPress Upload: Navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload and choose the zipped plugin folder Updating It’s the same as installing a plugin via FTP. Just overwrite the fanciest-author-box folder in your /wp-content/plugins directory. Your settings will remain unchanged.

Support Policy Please follow this troubleshooting guide if you experience any anomalies. 1. Conflicts & Bugs Make sure WordPress, theme, framework and plugins are up to date Disable all plugins and check if the issue still exists Switch to the default WordPress theme and check for the issue (If the problem disappears, then your theme is responsible and you need to contact theme developer) Empty your cache 2. Read the Plugin Documentation You can find it in the zipped folder you downloaded from CodeCanyon FAQ section on the CodeCanyon sales page

3. Submit a Ticket In the CodeCanyon comments section

Using contact form on our CodeCanyon profile page

Ticket Information Be specific If your question relates to a specific site or page, please provide a link to it Make sure your website is viewable or provide login info so that we can take a look ChangeLog Huge thanks to people who suggested improvements and made the plugin even better.

v1.5 (6/22/2013)

Updated Twitter API (refer to Fanciest Author Box > Tabs Settings to learn how to enable Twitter tab)

v1.4.7 (6/12/2013)

Bug fix, where authors who opted not to show their author box were still shown in Fanciest Author Box widget

v1.4.6 (6/9/2013)

Option to display author avatar above text in the author box (Avatar position: Floated left, Above text) Shortcode attribute avatar=”above” that places avatar above text Minor CSS fixes

v1.4.4 (4/5/2013)

User count check added to FAB widget, so sites with huge number of users don’t cause it to break CSS updates

v1.4.3 (1/17/2013)

Facebook Widget fix

v1.4.2 (1/10/2013)

Minor bug fixes

v1.4.1 (1/5/2013)

Fixed Facebook widget not showing in Firefox

v1.4 (11/20/2012)

Bug fixes Added option to manually change execution priority where Fanciest Author Box wouldn’t display, because of possible conflicts with other plugins

v1.3.3 (10/16/2012)

Improved Twitter caching

v1.3.2 (10/13/2012)

Updated Twitter API

v1.3.1 (10/9/2012)

Minor bug fixes

v1.3 (08/26/2012)

Added LinkedIn tab with Member Profile Plugin Added option to show icons only in tabs User profile fields now not shown for Subscribers Switched Facebook widgets from iframe to HTML5 – improves performance Added name linked to Facebook profile for Subscribe widget Improved custom tab, allowing admin to make it possible for users to override custom tab content only or both title and content (Thanks to Kimberly Castleberry) Added RTL support (credit: Metude) Added random author option to widget (credit: Indie-Film Moonworks) Added Latvian translation (Thanks to Klavs Petersons) Added simplified author box to RSS feeds (credit: Katie Orr)

v1.2.1 (08/13/2012)

Improved Twitter fallback, when Twitter API returns nothing Fixed bug that caused javascript conflict when multiple shotcodes or template tags were used on the same page

v1.2 (07/05/2012)

Bug fix – overridden photo (via uploader) was showing only in bio tab Added “+FirstName LastName” heading with rel=author to Google tab for author verification Added custom HTML tab. Thanks to

v1.1 (06/18/2012)

Added option to disable Fanciest Author Box for individual posts, pages and custom posts using ‘ts_fab_hide’ custom field. Credit goes to

Added Photo URL field to user profiles, if it has value, that URL will be used to override Gravatar image, if left empty Gravatar will be used. Suggested by

Added option to choose between Subscribe (for profiles) and Like (for pages) Facebook button. Thanks

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