email ticket support

UCM Plugin: POP3/IMAP Email Ticket System

UCM Plugin: POP3/IMAP Email Ticket System

This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager before using this plugin. Email Ticket Plugin This simple plugin transforms your UCM into a fully featured email ticket support system. Lets your customer email you (eg: and those emails will come straight into your UCM system! If the email comes from an existing...

WordPress Email Ticket Support Plugin

WordPress Email Ticket Support Plugin

This Premium WordPress Plugin is for anyone who provides support to their customers via email. Simply install this plugin on your WordPress blog and you will be up and running with a great email ticketing system in no time. NOTICE: Please please please check with your hosting provider if they support the imap php extension. It is listed in the requirements below but I’m mentioning it here as well. Send an email to your hosting provider aski...