
Simple Document Mananger

Simple Document Mananger

Easily manage your project documents with Simple Document ManagerUse this tool to create new projects, companies in seconds and upload your files inside a secure control panel. We also built in a search tool so you can quickly find projects and companies. Our script was created with a clean, simple and mobile friendly (responsive) interface. Features: Secure control panel Ability to add/delete/edit projects, companies and files Responsive CS...

FbLikeStatus - Facebook Like Status Script

FbLikeStatus - Facebook Like Status Script

Build your own Facebook Community! FbLikeStatus is a powerful PHP script to help you easily create a status and quotes website that Facebook users can “like” and that is heavily focused around this. Since the stuff they like show up in their FB profile and consequently in the news feed of their friends, this makes the whole website EXTREMELY viral! Also, websites created with FbLikeStatus are sentenced to live and grow on autopilot because u...

simpleCE (Mini CMS)

simpleCE (Mini CMS)

You can use simpleCE in a lot of different cases: with the basic functions you can create editable websites, slideshows, galleries, landingpages, Facebook pages and some more cool things … (try the live preview and convince yourself) simpleCE is a simple Content-Management System with front-end editor mode. That means, you can directly edit its contents, files and images in the view in which you would see your website as a normal user. Ther...



projectCMS V3.1 projectCMS is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture application written for PHP, Mysql and designed for small and large websites that wants to manage loads of data and wants simplicity. With projectCMS Content Management you are able to create beautiful dynamic website for your clients while you manage some data at backend. Features Friendly Urls (apache mod_rewrite) MVC Architecture Installation Wizard Sha1 Pro...

Vimeo Video Player Wordpress Plugin with Playlist

Vimeo Video Player Wordpress Plugin with Playlist

SHORTCODE AVAILABLE You can easy integrate this in your pages using the shortcode [lbg_vimeo1 settings_id=’1’ bgcolor=’#FFFFFF’] Also, optional parameters for the shortcode are available: init_category – use it to specify a certain category to initialize the player. init_movie_number – use it to specify a certain movie within the category to initialize the player.HELP FILE A complete help file is included Keywords: wordpress, plugin, a...

Vidplanet Youtube Video Cms

Vidplanet Youtube Video Cms

Build your video portal based on youtube api and your own videos: Vidplanet is the next generation youtube based video cms, built on powerfull codeigniter php framework. Using vidplanet, you can easily make money online by sharing your videos to your users and affiliating with various add networks. Front end demo : Adminpanel demo : Video CMS Features: Easy web installe...

Smart Download Manager

Smart Download Manager

Smart Download Manager Smart Download Manager is a tool which helps you to manage and track your downloads. This tool provides you with a control panel where the admin has provisions to upload file/package, provide download permissions to users and also manage permissions for download.   The admin has a right to set the download limit for a user that defines the number of times the user can download a file.This is a very secure way of pro...

DZS Uploader - All purpose html5 uploader

DZS Uploader - All purpose html5 uploader

Intro DZS Uploader is a all purpose html5 upload system. It can be used as a simple upload button ( example 1 ) . It can be used in a CMS with a pairing input field that gets populated automatically on file upload ( example 2 ) . Or it can be used as a complex multiple file upload solution with a drag & drop interface too ( example 3 ). Requirements php enabled server What do you get? jquery plugin files php file to handle the upl...

Elastic CMS - Solution for Flash Xml websites

Elastic CMS - Solution for Flash Xml websites

Update 1.3: add one more configuration option to cfg files improved paging (working more correctly) Update 1.2: working not only on attributes, but also on nodes and CDATA (HTML text) an additional upload field for TXT , PDF, DOC , and other files expanded thumbnail generation, it is now possible to generate a different thumbnail for every image in one configuration file automatic thumbnail generation in the cms (faster image loading)...