
Last Update
8 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

projectCMS V3.1

projectCMS is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture application written for PHP, Mysql and designed for small and large websites that wants to manage loads of data and wants simplicity. With projectCMS Content Management you are able to create beautiful dynamic website for your clients while you manage some data at backend.


Friendly Urls (apache mod_rewrite) MVC Architecture Installation Wizard Sha1 Protection Secure, Fast , Smart User Friendly 3 Access Levels (Profile, personal data) Project Management (Unlimited with custom fields) Content Management(pages, posts, themes, plugins) Agenda (Events, to do & assigend tasks) Content Management (Pages, Menu and Settings) Reports System Application Statistics (with charts) Files Manager Guides: Installation, Theme & Plugin Development And moreā€¦

Login Accesses:

admin: 12345 funder: 12345 member: 12345

Please Note: Some features were hidden and removed / disabled on demo. 24h reset time.