
YouTube Favorites

YouTube Favorites

Favorite a video on YouTube and see it appear on your website instantly! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube favorited videos of any user by username. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. If you ever wondered how you could best include videos on your website that were not uploaded by you, look no further. ...

Kill IE for WordPress

Kill IE for WordPress

Kill IE6 is a bold little plugin to show off to those visitors of yours that are living in the past. Join the present and help kill off IE6 and it’s horrible rendering, Kill IE6 makes it easy Test The Template Live in IE6 : Render in IE6 Features 6 Themes – Includes the original 4 color themes from the ThemeForest Template, and includes two bonus themes as well (Orange and Greyscale) Selective Page Use – You can also specify what pages ...

ExplrPHP - Easy Tree Navigation Menu

ExplrPHP - Easy Tree Navigation Menu

ExplrPHP is a PHP script which provides an easy way to generate tree navigation menu in server-side from various sources of formats: usual PHP array, JSON file, XML file, or MySQL database table. Requirements: PHP5 jQuery Explr jQuery plugin Code example: <?php // include the required ExplrPHP class require_once('relative/path/to/Explr.php'); // give each instance a unique tree id $explr = new ExplrPHP('menu2'); // set path to Ex...

Secure Login System

Secure Login System

Secure Login System is a new and complex web application that can be used to protect pages you need to be hidden from visitors and visible only to the registered members as well as an user management system, because it comes with an Admin backend which has the following features: Manage Users ( Create / Disable Users & Change Level of Access ) Backup Users ( Backup Database / Rollback Backups ) Notify Users ( Email Users ) Export CSV...

Steam Profile Widget

Steam Profile Widget

This widget can display information about your steam profile. At the moment there are three different widgets included, but I am open to new ideas. Profile information Last played games Groups The widgets are loaded using ajax so they don’t slow down the page load. It is also possible to load more then one widget on a page. The layout is provided by an external css file. This makes it easier to change the style to the style of your own ...

MoneyBee, jQuery+PHP+JSON Paypal & Card Processor

MoneyBee, jQuery+PHP+JSON Paypal & Card Processor

MoneyBee MoneyBee is a smart & flexible payment processor which gives you the possibility to accept payments through Paypal or, using Credit Cards. It works over a PHP OOP class, and it can be used with its AJAX or PHP engine. MoneyBee stands out of because of its flexibility. Not only it’ll give you this opportunity of getting paid, but also of asking your clients extra information by setting your own custom form inputs. Rememb...

jQuery Grid Style Slider

jQuery Grid Style Slider

This is a jQuery grid slider with support for multiple categories, expandable html content, and lightbox. The slider is fully configurable and resizable through the plugin’s parameters and stylesheet. Features include: Customizable number of columns and rows. Support for multiple categories, with menu for easy category selection. Expandable panel supports ajax, iframe, and inline content. Multiple transition effects available, inc...



projectCMS V3.1 projectCMS is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture application written for PHP, Mysql and designed for small and large websites that wants to manage loads of data and wants simplicity. With projectCMS Content Management you are able to create beautiful dynamic website for your clients while you manage some data at backend. Features Friendly Urls (apache mod_rewrite) MVC Architecture Installation Wizard Sha1 Pro...

Register/Sign In Mobile Form

Register/Sign In Mobile Form

AJAX Register/Sign In Mobile Form Now With User Management & Administration Dashboard (Version 3.0) A Pro version is available here Update 3.0 RELEASED Added Remember Me Feature Use PDO Now Admin can create new user directly on admin dashboard Multi-administrators Bug Fix This version is incompatible with 2.0 Update 2.0 RELEASED User Management & Administration with Admin Approval Email Validation Admin Notification ...

Editor for Attached Images Titles & Alts

Editor for Attached Images Titles & Alts

This plugin has the hability to change the title of all the images attached to a post by inserting a new title for them all. The plugin lists the posts on a table which you can order by name, category or date and each row has an input field which applies (with ajax), the input value to the title of all the images attached to that post. It has a thumbs view, where you see all images in a post and there you can edit titles and ALT values. ...