PHP Weather Script it’s a website script which displays the weather details for the visitors (if they can be detected, otherwise a default option will be shown), also allows them to search for certain locations and even save them to see it at a glance. Important Note: Google Weather API has been deprecated and no longer exist, the script uses now a more advanced Weather API from MSN with data provided by Foreca . Features: User Location R...
This is a plugin for the Vidplanet video cms. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Vidplanet video cms before using this plugin. This plugin can grab all information about a video from almost all popular video sources like: Youtube Vimeo Dailymotion Metacafe Ustream Facebook You can also use this script standalone to grab video information from those sites. Script is written in understandable clean object ...
Form-Presto is a Php / Xml / jQuery script that that helps in generating great looking HTML forms instantly. Just 2 lines of code You edit some .xml files, upload, and the form is ready to go. FORM PRESTO is Html5/Html 1.0 strict/Css3 valid CODE QUALITY HTML 5 / XHTML Strict validated CSS3 validated Full UTF8 support for accented chars, even in the plain/text email transmitted data Tested in Firefox 5, Chrome18.0, Safari 5.1, IE8.0, w...
Minimal Transparent Menu is the ideal choice of navigation for a website with a photo or a landscape as a background. It’s clean, simple and really easy to use thanks to its semantic markup. It also features important things like unlimited menu levels or cool things like slide effects. Features Minimalistic look Pure CSS3 Smooth slide effect Unlimited menu levels Four color schemes included Easy to use (semantic markup) Cross-b...
Keyword Tooltips plugin allows you to add great looking tooltips to any keywords or phrases throughout whole website or particular posts or pages. All you need to do is to create toolip using powerful WYSIWYG -editor and assign it to any list of keywords. The plugin will highlight these keywords and show tooltip for them automatically. Features WYSIWYG -editor: create great looking tooltips with WYSIWYG -editor. Customize tooltip box: se...
Version 1.1.12 out now, with an important update for the Twitter integration If you are using the Twitter in your news tickers, you should upgrade to 1.1.12 immediately and follow the steps to set up Twitter integration. See the changelog below for more details. About jNewsticker jNewsticker is a powerful jQuery plugin designed to seamlessly integrate into your website. Pre-packed with three news ticker styles and three skins, you can easi...
Create responsive and filterable portfolios with ease on your website. Media Grid comes with masonry layout, is designed to adapt each portfolio to any situation and is mobile optimized for responsive themes. News in 2.2 Version Title under items – probably the most requested feature: in the shortcode wizard has been added the option to move the items title under the featured image! Isotope implementation – to improve the filtering system, the...
Important Information This plugin will work only if BuddyPress v1.2.5+ installed and activated (tested up to BuddyPress 1.6.2 and WordPress 3.5). Buyers of an Extended licence will get an exceptional support and first priority in implementing desired features. Please use the form on my profile page to contact me (do not forget to include information about the purchase date). Features With “BuddyPress Profiles Statistics” you can better and...
Envato URL Fetcher Display Envato marketplace item’s URL in your Wordpress Posts by using Short codes. Want to fetch item’s data including description? Support for referral URL Shortcodes to display XHTML /CSS Envato Item block. Interacts with Envato API Easy to use and Install Bonus: PHP Standalone class that can be used outside Wordpress. Why use it? Easy and Cle...
Type of well known ARKANOID game. By finger touch you show direction for the stick. Game has unlimited 10 levels and checks if the user lost the game. It’s created for iOS 5.