Expo360º - 360º Product Viewer

Expo360º - 360º Product Viewer

With Expo360° you take showcasing products on your website to the next level. Your customer not only gets a better look and feel of the product that you are presenting, it also is a cool feature on your website that will blow everyone away! Next generation 360° product viewer Opposite to existing 360° viewers available online, this viewer doesn’t use Flash and offers great interaction on mobile devices such as iPad and iPhone. What makes it e...

TP NewsFlash module

TP NewsFlash module

TPNewsFlash is easily adjustable newsflash module to display news on your site.

ImgShot Image Hosting Script

ImgShot Image Hosting Script

Update news As i proposed to release an update every month, this month i’ve didn’t because i found out that my script was distributed for free on many websites. I don’t know exactly when i’ll release the new version but it will be in max 20 days as i have to implement some security against piracy. Upload methods: Single Multi Ajax Remote Cover ZIP Upload options: Adult/Non-Adult Upload Thumbnail Size (5 dynamic thumbnail sizes) Add do...

Mapify.it: 100% Custom Google Maps for Wordpress

Mapify.it: 100% Custom Google Maps for Wordpress

Now Fully supporting Wordpress up to version 3.5! Mapify.it allows 100% control over a map anywhere within your Wordpress site, whether you choose to stick with Google Maps, or to use your very own images. It enhances Google Maps with custom pin-point graphics, limitless locations, and pop-up galleries, but also allows the use of ANY custom map image of your choosing, all while keeping the great zoom (2 levels of zoom with custom images, un...

Protect-My-Links & Shortener

Protect-My-Links & Shortener

Protect My Links is a Link protection service that assists you in protecting hundreds of links a in ONE SINGLE link. You can even password protect the link. Thus enabling you to share only one link to anybody that you choose. Safely. Securely and without the worry of deletion. Protect-My-Links v1 is a software that allows you to build your own website and have your own link protection community and also earn while doing what you love! Sharing...

Ultimate PHP Live Blog

Ultimate PHP Live Blog

Overview Live blogging made easy with Ultimate Live Blog. Now you will have your own tool for live blogging special events. This product gives you unique technology that helps to refresh data for less than a second, so your users won’t miss anything. Easy-to-use Admin Panel will make your live blogging experience even more comfortable than ever before. Features - Revolutionary autorefresh method based on P2P technology* - Twitter integra...

Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin

Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin

Slider Revolution! Responsive jQuery Plugin The Revolution is here! Turn simple HTML markup into a responsive(mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization (all content always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this slider with just a little HTML and CSS to your very needs. This plugin features to...

All-in-one Jquery Flip Timer Package

All-in-one Jquery Flip Timer Package

JQuery Flip Timers are the timers which comes with flipping animation. There are five type of Timers in the package. - Countdown Timer. - Countup Timer. - Countdown with start and end date setting. - Auto reset weekly timer. - Auto reset daily timer. Main Features :- - Nice flipping animation effect. - easy integration to web page. Separate folders each type of Timer. User will have to copy paste the code on its webpage. very simpl...

Business Calendar - Wordpress Internal Calendar

Business Calendar - Wordpress Internal Calendar

Power up your wordpress website creating a full featured calendar for each Wordpress user. Cooperating with other users has never be so simple. Transforms wordpress in a real working platform: create your calendar, share it with other users and invite them to your events. Everything is simple and just need few clicks. Check your events and add them easily throught the visual calendar and the smooth tooltips. With Business Calendar is everyt...

Boycott - Complete Blocking Management

Boycott - Complete Blocking Management

Boycott is easy to use script that you can install and plug it to another systems. you can block any countries (Over 230 Countries) or IP or IP ranges in easy steps.