Business Calendar - Wordpress Internal Calendar

Last Update
6 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Power up your wordpress website creating a full featured calendar for each Wordpress user. Cooperating with other users has never be so simple. Transforms wordpress in a real working platform: create your calendar, share it with other users and invite them to your events. Everything is simple and just need few clicks.

Check your events and add them easily throught the visual calendar and the smooth tooltips. With Business Calendar is everything under your control wit an efficient notification system.

News in 1.1 version Use the plugin in your language using wordpress localization system. Create easily your own translations with POedit and add them into the plugin.

The plugin comes with three languages ready to use: English, Italian and Spanish!

Fast and powerful setup Setup the calendar for your wordpress installation requires only few clicks. Just select the calendar users, choose which of them will be the administrator and assign a color to their events. In few seconds you have a calendar platform ready to work.

Also each user has its own settings and can choose if enables the e-mail notifications and reminders to keep always in touch with its calendar. Choose who can see your calendar simply switching a button and integrates Business Calendar with your Google Calendar inserting your Google data.

Easy event management Create your events intuitively by selecting the days into the interactive calendar, then complete it inserting the description, the start and end date, the location (with live google maps localization).

Then, how many times have you needed to have a place where insert documents, texts or other stuffs for a meeting? Business Calendar allow you also to have a private page for each event. Is a standard wordpress page, but is visible only by you and the invited users.

Smart invitation system Business Calendar comes with a smart invitation system that allow you to track the users invited to your events. Just add one or more invited to your events, a notification will inform you when an invited has answered to your invitation.

Each user has three typical responses “yes, maybe, no” and everything will be shown in the event management page or in the event tooltip.

Finally, invited users that are attended will have displayed your event on their calendars.

Event reminder Each user can receive an event reminder that will send an e-mail one or more hours before the start of each event. You have just to enable it and setup the forewarning timing. Business Calendar will care to check continuously if you have events in calendar and will inform you sending the event details via e-mail.

note: to work properly the event reminder needs an easy cron-job to be created

Walkthrough Videos

To make the plugin easy for everyone, the documentation comes with detailed videos explaining each step necessary to setup and use Business Calendar:

Administration settings Create events Event invitations User calendar settings Google Calendar integration

Changelog See the changelog here