Easy Redirect Wordpress is designed to redirect with 301 pages or posts of your Wordpress site. Easy Redirect Wordpress is a Wordpress plugin that allows site administrators, set up 301 redirects directly from the content editor. Simply enter the url you want to redirect and the plugin will automatically create the redirect 301 and tell the search engine robot to indicate that the page has moved definitively establishing another new direction...
This WordPress plugin allows site owners to create restricted contents in any part of the site for registered users or visitors. Users will be promted to enter their mobile numbers, an SMS will be sent to that mobile number containing a code. After entering the code in the site, user can view the content. Also you can manually verify a user from the admin panel and see which user is verified or not. You can also integrate this service with...
Welcome! Do you want to include photo taking capabilities in your hybrid Android application? If this is the case, Android Photo Taker is the place to start. Using our already created and tested code, with only a few lines of additional code you can allow your user to take pictures using the phone’s camera or choose photos from the photo gallery. On a touch of a button you call our Android code in one line and the magic happens: a dialog ap...
This package contains a light and a dark version of a complete form. Various elements are styled : text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc. Internet Explorer versions 6, 7 and 8 require the IE7 Javascript Library as well as CSS3 PIE . Features Modern Design Subtle CSS3 Animations Easy to integrate and use Dark and light variants Text fields Checkboxes Radio Buttons Toggle Buttons Clean and organized markup Cross-Browser tested Comp...
YPX Buttons Big, legible, modern web font 20 colors, 3 background types for each color 90 scalable icons – no images required CSS3 shadows and backgrounds Displayed as a button or link Easy to use Version 2.0 of YPX Buttons is available. Changelog: Buttons are grouped by colors – now it is much easier to choose right button for your website Number of colors increased to 20 Three types of background for each color (except white) One font s...
Maintenance mode with animation. DEMO Features: Easy to use Realistic animation Social networks Flip sound Cross-browser with animation Support WPMU WP Admin Style Give us your support If you’ve purchased the plugin and like it, please, rate the plugin . It would be the greatest help. Version: 1.2 Updated Gaur 1.1 Fixed bug with ‘include’ 1.0 First Release
YouTube Video Player Update 14 July 13 – YouTube html extractor update, new image cache Xcode 4.5, iOS6 Correct retina 4” support Update .plist file Video: http://vimeo.com/47445811 Features Property list based YouTube video player Auto thumbnail image loading Quality selector, wifi high quality, cellular network medium quality Xcode 4.4.1, storyboard, ARC ...
Secure Login, Register and User Management Script I have been reading a lot thru the login / register and user management scripts here and there is a demand for something secure and easy to use, so here we go… JAKWEB now offers a complete user management script with a login, register and forgot password form. Including a very clean administration panel with login logs and complete user management. All forms are protected by an image c...
This class makes it possible to use Mysqli class in a not Mysqli supported php hosting. It is a handwritten mysqli class. So you can use Mysqli class without installing Mysqli extention. It has almost all functionality of the real MySQLi Class. If you are getting “Fatal error: Class ‘MySQLi’ not found”, this is solution. Just include my_mysqli.php and use mysqli class without any server configuration. It’s quite easy. How to use it : It’s v...
What is It WP Solve Quiz and Unlock Content provides to create a Quiz/zes and put them in your pages. If your clients will solve the Quiz, the plugin can show them a hidden content !!! It’s very easy to use and integrate in your Blog/s. Preview Front-end: http://www.mrplugins.it/WpPlugins/wp_SolveUnlock_pro Back-end: http://www.mrplugins.it/WpPlugins/wp_SolveUnlock_pro/wp-admin UserID: demo Password: demo V. 2.1 Some minor bugs f...