captcha code

Ghost Captcha

Ghost Captcha

Why is it called Ghost Captcha? Because like a ghost, it is an invisible force, working quietly in the background to detect and block potential spambots. Yes, Ghost Captcha does come with its own standard captcha tests, but these are only displayed as a last resort, after suspicious browsing activity is detected. Why display captcha tests only as a last resort? Because captcha tests are annoying. They treat all users as suspects, who mu...

Era Captcha

Era Captcha

Era Captcha is really simple and colorful captcha class. Some key features are: - Three-way verification [Session, Cookie, Session + Cookie both] - Three diffrent captcha style [Mathematics, random words and numbers, dictionary] - 3 line code block - Very easy to configure - Support multiple instances - Encrypt captcha data with user IP and user-agent - Verifiying form element too simpleOnline Documentation :

Secure Login/Register and User Management

Secure Login/Register and User Management

Secure Login, Register and User Management Script I have been reading a lot thru the login / register and user management scripts here and there is a demand for something secure and easy to use, so here we go… JAKWEB now offers a complete user management script with a login, register and forgot password form. Including a very clean administration panel with login logs and complete user management. All forms are protected by an image c...

myCaptcha - Powerful Human Verificator

myCaptcha - Powerful Human Verificator

Description myCaptcha for Wordpress is a Powerful Human Verification plugin who make your site “bots safe” by adding A Touring Test to prevent SPAM , Repeated Actions or just to verify Intelligence. Includes a Dictionary Maker Main Features: Easy to install. 37 Options to customize. 7 Image Filters. Protect Comments, Login, Register or Request password form! Custom Fonts. Custom Patterns, use only the Chars you want, even from n...

myCaptcha - Human Verificator w/ Dictionary Maker

myCaptcha - Human Verificator w/ Dictionary Maker

Description myCaptcha is a Powerful Human Verification framework who make your site “bots safe” by adding A Touring Test to prevent SPAM , Repeated Actions or just to verify Intelligence. Includes a Dictionary Maker and qrCode Helper! Main Features: Easy to implement. Dictionary Maker. Use an array as challenge or data from Database. qrCode Helper, scan to see challenge. Custom Fonts. Custom Patterns, use only the Chars you wan...

Challenger - The Captcha Solution

Challenger - The Captcha Solution

Fadeup with those ugly captcha? Now you’ve got control of challenging your users with the captcha images, that go well with your design! Challenger is simple, easy to use and secure captcha verification handling script. It can serve images containing text and/or mathematical equation and/or UTF -8 encoded string and/or photo. It works with any PHP version and is cross-browser compatible. The package comes with multiple example source code a...

Creative Unified Forms

Creative Unified Forms

You will not believe what this Wordpress plugin can make for you. You can create forms with unlimited fields, content and looks! You will be able to do any kind of form, feedbacks, quizz, inquieryes and more just by: dragging and dropping + naming fields. Features Powerful wysiwyg constructor to design any kind form. A number of widgets. including: Standard controls (drop-down, multiple select, textarea, text, checkbox groups and radio grou...

Creative Feedback Form with Voting System

Creative Feedback Form with Voting System

Creative Feedback form is a new way to interact with site visitors gaining valuable feedback which can be rated by others users of site. We have included 4 different color styles, although you can change them to suit your own website. The form was made so you can easily embed into any web page in a matter of minutes – even a user without knowledge of programming language will easily setup it on their own! Features Lightweight inobtrusive...

Gentle captcha php class

Gentle captcha php class

With Gentle Captcha you get 4 different type of captcha verification that you can use on your site. This package contains 1 main class and 4 modules. Each module represent a “type” of captcha verification. Ads module – With Ads Module you can define custom words or short sentences that will be used as captcha code. This module will allow you to earh some money by using captcha for “text ads”. Math1 module – Math1 module is using addition...

Form Builder

Form Builder

Description If you’ve worked with forms before you’ll know that it’s a pretty mundane task from laying out elements to validating user input. Form Builder allows you to create rich, robust forms easily. You can either build your forms from scratch using the detailed documentation or base them on the pre-built examples, provided. Forms are created using simple arrays which define all aspects of both the form and your fields. Although you c...