Form Builder

Last Update
17 November 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Description If you’ve worked with forms before you’ll know that it’s a pretty mundane task from laying out elements to validating user input.

Form Builder allows you to create rich, robust forms easily. You can either build your forms from scratch using the detailed documentation or base them on the pre-built examples, provided.

Forms are created using simple arrays which define all aspects of both the form and your fields. Although you can create generic forms with just a few lines of code there is also the scope, for more advanced users, to delve deeper into configuring the form settings.

If you want to see a detailed overview of Form Builder then check out the documentation;

To see Form Builder in action:

Registration form Blog post form Registration form with CAPTCHA

Features / What you get

Optional text CAPTCHA . Enhanced validation, with optional AJAX validation, when you don’t want to have to reload the page. Works with all browsers including IE6 . Easy to skin and style forms to drop into your site. Define exactly what happens when the form is submitted using the intuitive form API . Can be used for any purpose – from contact forms, to comment submissions, even user sign up and login. You get two versions of Form Builder. One for PHP 4 and one for PHP 5 . Everything is ready to drop straight onto your server and start testing.


For AJAX validation you will need the ‘json_encode’ function in PHP . For AJAX validation you must use jQuery (Preferably 1.4 although 1.3.2 works fine).