HTML5 Blue Video Gallery

HTML5 Blue Video Gallery

Intro Want a Video Gallery that is easy to install, to customize, works in all browsers ( even IE8 ), is up to the latest standards ( html5 ), has multimedia support too ( audio / images ) , can feed from video sharing providers ( youtube / vimeo ) ? Then this is the Video Gallery to showcase your videos on your site. The gallery works in all major browsers environment – including IE through flash fall-back. Also, by inputting a single video...

noteApp HTML5

noteApp HTML5

What is? NoteApp is a note aplication made with HTML5 technology and with JavaScript, jQuery and CSS3 . Combining modern features to create a great system that is very usefull. (See bellow the features list!) The NoteApp is a system that allow to your users record notes about your pages and in future visits, acess this notes and get the adress of the page. Is like a Favorite system, but NoteApp combine this with a annotation system, the ...



Noty is a simple widget for taking notes about the current page. A potential use is taking notes on a blog post for commenting later. Noty uses several HTML5 and related technologies, using the browser’s native functionality wherever possible. It is designed to work in modern browsers. Features Drag-and-Drop support via the browser’s native API . You can save excerpts from the page simply by highlighting text and dragging to the widget. ...



Add a shoutbox to your site, built entirely using HTML5 , CSS3 and JavaScript, and give your visitors a unique way to interact. Users can chat seamlessly with each other about your latest post, any related news, or just how much they love the site. Comes with 5 themes (default, 3 color variations, and a “slim” version) and is fully customizable using CSS . Messages are sent and received using json, which allows for lightweight messaging ...

devZor.project, Your Offline HTML5 Task Management

devZor.project, Your Offline HTML5 Task Management

devZor.project is the only to-do list a developer ever needs ! It gives you the freedom to manage your tasks in a different way. I’m sure you use (or used) allot of these task management solutions, but in my opinion they were always either too simple and feature-less or too advanced and hard to find your way around. I then created something different, something that focuses on the every day tasks of a developer and/or freelancer. What does a...

HTML 5 AJAX Contact Form

HTML 5 AJAX Contact Form

v1.71 Released – November 25, 2012 Your visitors won’t be able to stop themselves contacting you with this baby. The HTML5 AJAX Contact Form utilises cutting edge HMTL5 code and CSS3 animations to make your contact page elegant and ultra-usable. Live Demo You can view a demo of the form itself live! Features include: Fully valid HTML5 code including inline form validation Animated inputs on focus jQuery functionality animates the form on...

MusicBox - HTML5 Music Player

MusicBox - HTML5 Music Player

Features Uses audio tag with flash fallback (ensures functionality in older browsers) Uses local storage to keep a “favorites” playlist Entire app is imageless (CSS3) Pulls metadata (including album cover) from music files List view and tile view (using album covers) Due to html5 restrictions, this player requires both mp3 and ogg files for each song. There are many FREE applications that convert file types. Demo: Live Preview Need a p...

Register5! - HTML5 Register Form

Register5! - HTML5 Register Form

Click here to try a demo (don’t forget to hit Share Location in your browser when prompted). Register5! is a simple, yet highly functional and effective website registration form. Register5! was created with emphasis on the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies, and designed with completely imageless graphics. Register5! implements SVG canvas drawing, Geolocation, Local Storage, HTML5 syntax (validated), Graceful JavaScript Degradation, ...

Dweamer - Dreamweaver Theme Builder

Dweamer - Dreamweaver Theme Builder

ABOUT Dweamer is an HTML5 “theme builder” for Dreamweaver. It allows you to easily create themes that change the appearance of Dreamweaver’s code view. If you’ve ever tried to edit the Dreamweaver color scheme on your own, you know what a pain it can be (and if you haven’t, you’re not missing much). But, Dweamer makes easy work of a task that used to take several hours. And since Dweamer allows you to save themes, you can come back and edit t...

HTML5 Ajax Contact Form With Google Maps

HTML5 Ajax Contact Form With Google Maps

A php contact form that leverages the power of HTML5, Ajax, and Google Maps. Works in all browsers (even IE6) Live Preview Features HTML5 Form Inputs (these work perfectly in older browsers) Ajax powered, with client side and server side validation (the form will work even if javascript is turned off) HTML Geolocation + Google Maps allows visitors to quickly get directions to your location Need a project management system? Try my new app...