
Video Player for Android

Video Player for Android

Video Player for Android Features 2 project files (Android Studio and ADT Eclipse) Remote Xml based video list Doom parser, custom list view Splash screen, refresh controll Android media player file format supported Asynchronous data and image loading Image cache

JT Showcase Pro

JT Showcase Pro

What is JT Showcase Pro 2.0.0?   JT Showcase Pro is what you are looking for if you need a professional Joomla Showcase or Image Gallery Showcase.  JT Showcase Pro provides you with powerful backend configuration: you can easily upload images and organize them in a well-defined structure. Professional but simple, JT Showcase saves your time in managing mass amount of uploaded images in different categories.  With smart features, you have compl...

Array to XML Class

Array to XML Class

This is a useful class to convert an Array to XML. Simple Easy to use Ready to use Code example http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19701113/codecanyon/arraytoxml/index.html Do you like this item? Don’t forget to rate Changelog 1.1 Added possibility to add attributes 1.0 Released for Public Sale

Complet iPhone App Project

Complet iPhone App Project

A complete design with a bold and dynamic. In this starter kit you will find: - Tabbar customizable. - Opening of the facebook app. - Automatic Dialing. - Photo Gallery opening xml. - Sharing pictures on social networks. - Menu with customizable opening image server. - Location map and route. - Webview facebook, twitter, youtube. - Form native contact by email. PSD files for customization and reference. E...

Newsflash Expanding

Newsflash Expanding

If you use Newsflash Expanding, please post a rating and a review at the JED! The Newsflash Expanding is a Joomla module. It works exactly like Joomla NewsFlash module with all params, but with some expanding effects. Use “No. of character” param, the content will be cut off with this value and have a “Read More” button to view full  content (not direct link). Click “Read More” you will see full content of that article with fadein effect. ...

XML to CSV Converter

XML to CSV Converter

Xml2Csv Converter PHP class This PHP class is an easy to use, highly customisable XML 2 CSV converter. You can automatically convert XML to CSV, with only 1 parameter – the XML input (file or string). Advanved features include custom selection of the output fields, setting CSV delimiter and enclosure character etc. The output can be written returned as a string or saved to a file. Features: - easy conversion with only 1 parameter - fi...