XML to CSV Converter

Last Update
25 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Xml2Csv Converter PHP class

This PHP class is an easy to use, highly customisable XML 2 CSV converter. You can automatically convert XML to CSV, with only 1 parameter – the XML input (file or string). Advanved features include custom selection of the output fields, setting CSV delimiter and enclosure character etc. The output can be written returned as a string or saved to a file. Features:

- easy conversion with only 1 parameter

- file or string as XML input

- ouput to screen, file or string

- CSV delimiter and enclosure character setting

- custom mapping of XML nodes to CSV fields

- custom export field selection

- setting parameters easily by chained function calls or by accessing them directly

- possibilty to mass-setup of paramters

- set an interval to limit the number of processed items (from, to)

Check the the demo and online documentation here:

Demo: http://praca.webax.sk/xml2csv/xml2csv.php

Documentation: http://praca.webax.sk/xml2csv/XmlToCsv.html