video gallery for website

Responsive HTML5 Video Player & Gallery

Responsive HTML5 Video Player & Gallery

This is Responsive HTML 5 Video Player with/without gallery. You can use player without gallery with only one video, or you can build your own gallery with thumbnails, titles and descriptions. Number of videos is unlimited. Player look is customisable via CSS, so you can easily customize colors and adjust it to your needs. Player is resizeable so it fits perfectly in every website design.Features easy setup responsive optional gallery multipl...

YouTube Video Gallery Scheduling

YouTube Video Gallery Scheduling

YouTube Video Gallery Scheduling – All you need to play YouTube videos and schedule them to go live at a later date on your website! Happy Holidays Hi everybody, we would like to inform you that our company will be closed for summer holidays from the 15th of August until the 1st of September. In that period we will not be able to provide assistance but we will take care of all your requests as soon as we get back to work. We thank you very mu...

HTML5 Video Player & Gallery

HTML5 Video Player & Gallery

This is HTML 5 Video Player with/without gallery. You can use player without gallery with only one video, or you can build your own gallery with thumbnails, titles and descriptions. Number of videos is unlimited. Player look is customisable via CSS, so you can easily customize colors and adjust it to your needs. Player is resizeable so it fits perfectly in every website design.iPad preview: Features easy setup optional gallery multiple them...

LBGallery for WordPress

LBGallery for WordPress

Description LBGallery is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create a gallery. You can use it to create a photo gallery, video gallery (support youtube and vimeo) or mixed with rating system. Moreover, you can use it as a great portfolio for your website. With capacity to layout blocks you can easy to change position of title, description, date, author, rating and read more link Features Create unlimited galleries for each cate...

ATOMIX – The CMS for Website Templates

ATOMIX – The CMS for Website Templates

Try before Buy! DOWNLOAD DEMO version now! Fully functional version with limitations and branding. ATOMIX is a CMS (Content Management System) that, in this first release, supports 4 wonderful Flash XML website templates. In particular:Elite Xml Website by BurningRabbit (former Triworks); XML Business Portfolio Template with Deep Linking; Epicure XML Website Template with Deep Linking; XML Clean White Portfolio Template by Damojo. ATOMIX ...