LBGallery for WordPress

Last Update
27 July 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Description LBGallery is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create a gallery. You can use it to create a photo gallery, video gallery (support youtube and vimeo) or mixed with rating system. Moreover, you can use it as a great portfolio for your website. With capacity to layout blocks you can easy to change position of title, description, date, author, rating and read more link Features

Create unlimited galleries for each category Upload unlimited images/videos for each gallery Support multiple type of media(image, youtube and vimeo video) Multiple upload images from local using uploadify (select multiple images or a ZIP file contains images) Add remote video from Youtube or Vimeo (support the URL of video or RSS Feed) Drag and Drop to short galleries/images Auto resize width of images/galleries list (set size in pixel or percent format) Auto create thumb to fit with the size of images/galleries list Define the rows and columns of thumbnails Define the offset between row and column Support rating for gallery or image Rating by 1 star, 1/2 (0.4) or 1/4 (0.25) star Support 3 styles of rating star Easy to layout thumbnail (title, description, author, date, rating blocks) Multiple instance on 1 post/page ...and more Live Demo


Username/Password: demo/demo (Only for demo so you can not save anything)

Changelog 1.1 – 28 Jul, 2012

[New] Support widget with many options to customise

[New] Lightbox options (theme, show or hide overlay gallery, show or hide social tools, thumbnail dimension)

[New] Thumbnail opacity when mouse hover and leave

[New]Thumbnail border style (width, style, color)

[New] Thumbnail border spacing (distance from border to thumbnail content)

[New] Background color or use an URL of image

[New] Shortcode option to show navigator on the top, bottom or top and bottom or none

[Fix] Image thumbnail in images list

1.0.1 – 13 Jul, 2012

Fixed some bugs

1.0 – 1 Jul, 2012 – Released