the social network

Transform Facebook Page to Website

Transform Facebook Page to Website

Feature This is a script that get photo, the last post and information from a Facebook page and transform it to a website. You can set a cache or get the html static file. You can serve a static file or a update version with a cache version (require Facebook APP access to get updated) Requirement php file_get_contents curl Facebook developer Account

Custom cells and random images

Custom cells and random images

- iOS 6, iOS 6.1 - works with Xcode 4.6 - support retina display - optimized for iPhone 5 - fast customization - detailed documentation - navigation controller, custom cells, modal views, scrollbar, image share - PSD files included - work offline - code already submitted to AppStore - complete app (use it as part of your app or as it is, just change images)

ZoomSocialCount - Social Networks Counter for Word

ZoomSocialCount - Social Networks Counter for Word

Intro – top ZoomSocial – WordPress Social Count Pluginis a cool social addition to your wordpress site that enables counters of your favorite social networks to appear on the screen. Setup is very easy – just setup the plugin and from there, you can place it where you want in your content via shortcodes or in sidebars via a widget. Configuring is done very easy – a straight forward admin panel. Features straight forward admin panel variou...

HTML5 Ajax Jquery Popup Contact Form

HTML5 Ajax Jquery Popup Contact Form

With this script you can insert a beautiful popup contact form in your website. It’s very simple to put it where you want. FEATURES: - Receive emails from users. - View an interactive google map. - Show social network links. - Show your address and contact info. - View a photo’s gallery. - View a video. - Very simple to setup. - Compatible with all major browser. THERE ARE 4 DIFFERENT SKINS INCLUDED: - Red Skin - Blue Skin - Green Skin - Pink ...

CiteMySite - WordPress Citation Sharing Plugin

CiteMySite - WordPress Citation Sharing Plugin

CiteMySite is a magnificent WP plugin that allows the user to select a text or even several options of text on a web page and then share the text and/or link to the highlighted text on diverse social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. When the user shares the particular highlighted text on the social networks, other users, besides seeing the text also see the link of the web page and when they click on that link, they would...

Gamification Module for Linko Social CMS

Gamification Module for Linko Social CMS

Linko Gamification module gamifies your Linko Social CMS site with challenges, badges, and points. Badges and points are the coolest way to reward and encourage members of your community to participate. Features Automatically award of badges when an event is completed Automatically award points to a user when they complete an event Admin can set the no of times an event should be completed before a badge is awarded Admin can upload a badge fo...



Rikisimo is a reviews and ratings social network which allows your users to rate and review listings. The script also allows you to accept user submitted listings or make it so only administrators can add them. User submitted listings can be moderated by administrators before being published to the site. Key Features User submitted Reviews and Ratings User profiles Upload photos to the listings Accept listings from all around the ...

CSShare Social Media Icons/Footer

CSShare Social Media Icons/Footer

CSSocial: Social Network Icons & Footer A little idea to save your space. This is a collection of icons from various social network ready to be used on your website. In addition to the icons there are some Footer with share icons. Ready to use 25 customizable icons 5 different footer colors 5 animations + 5 effects A lot of colors Icons inside Google Plus RSS Facebook Twitter Bebo Blogger deviantArt Digg Dribble Flickr LastFM Yahoo...

Affiliates Share

Affiliates Share

Please rate it! Please rate this item once you have tried it. Please let us know if you have problems before you give a low rating. Many problems have usually an easy solution and we’re glad to help you. Your feedback is important so that improvements based on your needs can be made, and suggestions are always welcome! See the section on Support below. Social Sharing for Affiliates Affiliates Share is a WordPress plugin that makes it eas...

Website Social Count

Website Social Count

A clean and simple tool for get info about social share for an url. Get the count of social share, for your analytics. Insert the url and get the information Feature Tweet FB share FB like FB comment FB total FB comments box FB comments on FB FB click +1 Pin LinkedIn StumbleUpOn Requirement Curl PHP