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Say Hi to ResponsivePreviewer v 1.0 Version 1.0 of this amazing plugin enhances WordPress native preview functionality. You no longer have to open a new tab in your browser to preview a change in a post or page. Instead, just click the new Preview-tab and you will instantly be shown a preview of your edited post/page. You can easily switch between popular device resolutions such as iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, iPad. No more resizing your window t...

Royal 3D Carousel

Royal 3D Carousel

Version 1.1 Release Date 22.08.2013 Fixed a series of bugs related to IE7/IE8 and some constructor parameters issues. Why buy Royal 3d Carousel? Fully responsive 3D carousel that allows to display media or HTML content with an unique and original layout. It’s perfect for presentations, for anyone who wants to obtain a great impact on their visitors. Two available display types: responsive / fixed and fluid width. Packed with tone of ...

Shifty Nav - a Fully Responsive JS CSS3 Mega Menu

Shifty Nav - a Fully Responsive JS CSS3 Mega Menu

Shifty Nav is a fully responsive CSS3 mega menu. It was created using LESSCSS so modification is incredibly simple. Version: 1.00 – 08/04/2013 To change the color of the entire menu requires a simple changing of a few pre-defined variables, so there’s not extensive digging through the code! This menu supports whatever kind of content you throw at it, and includes a full tutorial on how to build the markup for your own menu if you don’...