Shifty Nav - a Fully Responsive JS CSS3 Mega Menu

Last Update
23 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Shifty Nav is a fully responsive CSS3 mega menu. It was created using LESSCSS so modification is incredibly simple.

Version: 1.00 – 08/04/2013

To change the color of the entire menu requires a simple changing of a few pre-defined variables, so there’s not extensive digging through the code!

This menu supports whatever kind of content you throw at it, and includes a full tutorial on how to build the markup for your own menu if you don’t want to modify the pre-existing file.

Created with a very modern and metro design. Very easily implemented and extensively commented and documented.


CSS3 animations HTML5 markup 11 out of the box styles Full width support Predefined LESS variables to make editing a breeze Completely customizable menu layout Supports large amounts of content Full tutorial on how to build and implement Supported by all major browsers Modern clean look Vertically centered multilined text for lengthy navigation titles