
Responsive RSS Timeline

Responsive RSS Timeline

RSS Timeline gets the latest feed entries from multiple RSS feeds and displays them in a horizontal or vertical timeline. It is PHP server-side based because it offers fast loading by using a smart configurable caching function. It supports all devices: desktop, touchpads and smartphones. Uses a custom PHP Library to obtain feed entries from multiple sources Smart configurable cache for fast loading; you don’t need to worry about rate limits...

Easy WordPress Long Tweets

Easy WordPress Long Tweets

Easy WordPress Long Tweets is a great plugin that gives your the power to create tweets longer than 140 characters directly into your WordPress website. How does it work ? You simply create a Tweet, as long as you want, as if you were creating a normal WordPress post, and then, when you publish it, the post is automatically sent to Twitter, it’s shortened and a link is added so that your followers can read the rest of the post on your webs...

Personality Quiz Viral Facebook Application

Personality Quiz Viral Facebook Application

NO fake results! – most facebook application calculate fake output and post random picture, but this one post only real calculated output base on the user answers! – This method reduces the possibility for the user delete the output picture. All you need is just a good idea. You do not need programming knowledge. Full installation instructions and video tutorial. Admin Panel allows to upload the questions and answers. All answers will be assi...

jQuery Tweet to Download

jQuery Tweet to Download

So you have files you want to give people access to files, videos, tutorials, images, etc. after they Tweet about your site or follow you on Twitter but you don’t run WordPress? Tweet to Download for jQuery puts the power of the WordPress plugin in an easy to use jQuery plugin with simple markup. Turn the Tweet and Follow buttons into a social download system for your site and drive tons of new social traffic and backlinks to your websites! Mo...

Social Video Locker for WordPress

Social Video Locker for WordPress

Tap into 2 Billion+ social media accounts with Social Video Locker for WordPress. Social Video Locker allows you to quickly and easily set up videos on your site using the web’s most popular video services that users must share any URL you want before they can watch the video. More Fans = More Traffic = More $$$$ Features Lock any YouTube or Vimeo video behind social buttons, no way to play until social actions are completed! Even works...

Like 2 Unlock for Wordpress

Like 2 Unlock for Wordpress

Latest update: 16 Apr 2013. Version: 4.5.2. Platform: for Wordpress. The Like 2 Unlock plugin for Wordpress is a Like Button and content locker in one bottle, which allows you to lock specified content on a web page until a user clicks the Like Button and help you to get more likes, fans, traffic and customers! You use a standart Like Button on your site but people don’t click the one as often as you would like? Needless to say, a Like button... widget widget

This widget will display when you or your favorite channel is broadcasting. It will also display additional information about the broadcast. The widgets are loaded using ajax to prevent the widget from slowing down the page. The styling is done via a external css file and can easily be modified. curl must be enabled on the server for the widget to work. Changelog 16 mar 2013 Checking if curl is installed Hide offline ch...

Like 2 Unlock for jQuery

Like 2 Unlock for jQuery

Latest update: 3 Mar 2013. Version: 4.1.6. Platform: for jQuery. The Like 2 Unlock plugin for jQuery is a Like Button and content locker in one bottle, which allows you to lock specified content on a web page until a user clicks the Like Button and help you to get more likes, fans, traffic and customers! You use a standart Like Button on your site but people don’t click the one as often as you would like? Needless to say, a Like button is a v...

Facebook Like To Watch for WordPress

Facebook Like To Watch for WordPress

Tap into Facebook’s 950 million+ users with Like to Watch for WordPress. Like To Watch allows you to quickly and easily set up videos on your site using the web’s most popular video services that users must Like and share on Facebook before they can be viewed. More Fans = More Traffic = More $$$$! Features Lock any YouTube or Vimeo video behind a Like button, no way to play until Like is pressed! Even works with short video lin...

All-in-One Social Popup

All-in-One Social Popup

All-in-One Social Popup is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to add a highly customizable social popup box to your blog or website. It combines 7 different popups (on page load, on external link click, on copy content, on context menu, on scroll down, on idle, on click), which can be used separetely or simultaneously without conflicts. Once raised, popup asks visitors to like webpage on Facebook, +1 on Google, share on Twitter or LinkedId...