social media

jQuery Tweet to Download

jQuery Tweet to Download

So you have files you want to give people access to files, videos, tutorials, images, etc. after they Tweet about your site or follow you on Twitter but you don’t run WordPress? Tweet to Download for jQuery puts the power of the WordPress plugin in an easy to use jQuery plugin with simple markup. Turn the Tweet and Follow buttons into a social download system for your site and drive tons of new social traffic and backlinks to your websites! Mo...

Like 2 Unlock for Wordpress

Like 2 Unlock for Wordpress

Latest update: 16 Apr 2013. Version: 4.5.2. Platform: for Wordpress. The Like 2 Unlock plugin for Wordpress is a Like Button and content locker in one bottle, which allows you to lock specified content on a web page until a user clicks the Like Button and help you to get more likes, fans, traffic and customers! You use a standart Like Button on your site but people don’t click the one as often as you would like? Needless to say, a Like button...

Facebook Like To Watch for WordPress

Facebook Like To Watch for WordPress

Tap into Facebook’s 950 million+ users with Like to Watch for WordPress. Like To Watch allows you to quickly and easily set up videos on your site using the web’s most popular video services that users must Like and share on Facebook before they can be viewed. More Fans = More Traffic = More $$$$! Features Lock any YouTube or Vimeo video behind a Like button, no way to play until Like is pressed! Even works with short video lin...

JQuery Facebook Traffic Driver

JQuery Facebook Traffic Driver

This plugin will take your Facebook presence to new heights. Its elegant look and real time stats will make people feel like they are making a difference. Aside from the real time data stream, the like status is stored in a cookie so you have the option of enforcing the user to “like” you before they can access content. You can also set a timer on the popup to show for an set period of time before it hides itself. Testimonials

Facebook Like Locker Pro for WordPress

Facebook Like Locker Pro for WordPress

Tap into Facebook’s 700 million+ users with Like Locker Pro. Like Locker PRO adds tons of powerful features that blow the original Like Locker out of the water allowing you to add thousands of fans, likes, and social traffic with almost no work. More likes = More Traffic = More $$$$! Build a social media super presence over night by locking all, or just parts of your posts! Facebook is a proven traffic source and can create long term growth fo...

Facebook Traffic Driver

Facebook Traffic Driver

This plugin will take your Facebook presence to new heights. Its elegant look and real time stats will make people feel like they are making a difference. We will be making be making updates regularly.

Recent Pins Widget for WordPress

Recent Pins Widget for WordPress

Recent Pins Pro for WordPress is a plugin that ads a powerful Pinterest widget to your site. Display up to 25 of your recent pins at a time with full high-res, high quality images and built in lightbox gallery support! Did you know that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google Plus, Linkedin, and Youtube COMBINED? - Shareaholic. Feautres Install takes only seconds, setup is even easier! Disaply up to 25 pins / images at a time...

Exit Through Social Share

Exit Through Social Share

Exit Through Social Share is a jQuery module that raise popup box once user click any outgoing links on your website. Popup box suggests user either to like webpage on Facebook, +1 on Google, share on Twitter for immediate redirection to target link or to wait some time to be redirected. As webmaster you can configure delay period, content and size of popup box or exclude any outgoing links from consideration. You know, Facebook, Google Plu...

Social Image Hover for WordPress

Social Image Hover for WordPress

Social Image Hover for WordPress combines all of the web’s most popular social services into one easy to use plugin. Social Image Hover allows you to quickly and easily add hover-over social buttons to your images on-the-fly making them instantly “shareable” on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Even better, the hover effects are silky smooth, cross browser, and come with multiple overlay images! More Shares = More Traffic = More $...

Social Media Authentication

Social Media Authentication

Social Media Authentication Social Media Authentication allows your users to authenticate themselves to your site using Facebook, Twitter or any OpenID provider (Google, Yahoo, myOpenID etc.) Features Allows users to authenticate using Facebook, Twitter or any OpenID provider Stores the authentication info into the session. Provides functions to check if the user is logged in and get the user object. Documentation included. Check ou...