openid facebook

CSS3 Social Sign On Buttons

CSS3 Social Sign On Buttons

A collection of CSS3 social sign on buttons with watermarked logos of their respective brands. Includes 8 brands including Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Also includes several style variations out of the box.

Social Media Authentication

Social Media Authentication

Social Media Authentication Social Media Authentication allows your users to authenticate themselves to your site using Facebook, Twitter or any OpenID provider (Google, Yahoo, myOpenID etc.) Features Allows users to authenticate using Facebook, Twitter or any OpenID provider Stores the authentication info into the session. Provides functions to check if the user is logged in and get the user object. Documentation included. Check ou...

Ajax'd PHP Login, User Management & Site Security

Ajax'd PHP Login, User Management & Site Security

UserBase is a powerful and full featured PHP user login and user management system with a huge number of extras that you may require when setting up a new website. Ajaxed front end with a noScript version and a fully ajaxed admin CP using delicious amounts of jQuery to make user management a pleasure. Did I mention it also fully supports Facebook, Twitter, Google and Yahoo user log-ins plus loads more? Userbase also contains a built-in site ...