
Orbisius Broken Shortcode Checker

Orbisius Broken Shortcode Checker

This WordPress plugin allows you to see which posts and pages are using shortcodes that are no longer replaced. This can happen due to a plugin that handled the code previously had been deactivated or its shortcode syntax has changed.

Author Submit File - WordPress Submission Plugin

Author Submit File - WordPress Submission Plugin

UPDATE V1.5 14/01/2013 Author Submit File Plugin now has the ability to have allowed file extensions added in the settings page due to popular demand. The Author Submit File WordPress plugin makes it easy to add a user file upload section to your WordPress website. With just 2 shortcodes added to a page you can have a dedicated section for users/authors to submit all sorts of files (ZIP’ed up) for you to review. WARNING! If viewing live ...

AllSlider - WordPress Responsive Slider Carousel

AllSlider - WordPress Responsive Slider Carousel

AllSlider is a responsive, touch enabled, slider carousel plugin for WordPress that allows you to create multiple sliders using a drag & drop interface and show them using a shortcode or a widget. Slide Types This plugin allows you to create up to five different slide types: Images Posts HTML and shortcodes Videos Products, if you have Woocommerce plugin installed and active Using the slider After you create your sliders, you can then ...

Sweet WordPress Testimonials

Sweet WordPress Testimonials

Version 1.2.1 is available, with new features. Sweet WordPress Testimonials is a plugin to receive and display your client’s testimonials. Full Testimonials This plugin provides a nice and simple solution for your client’s to write themselves their points of view. Then you decide to publish them or not, or to modify them. Highly Customizable The testimonials list can be customized really easily directly from the administration. Every sin...

Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin

Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin

Have you ever seen … that cool stuff that “pimps” search results on Google? This plugin helps you to generate this search results by using structured microdata. According to the website search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex rely on this markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages. This plugin automatically pre-installs seven shortcode-examples that are...

Taggify - Simple Tag Index

Taggify - Simple Tag Index

About With Taggify it becomes easy to display an Index of your Tags. You can use shortcodes to display an Index in column, or even deploy a Widget for a smaller Index version. If you want to see what I’m up to, follow me on Twitter. And don’t forget to rate this item.

Content Builder

Content Builder

Content Builder – Now creating pages is as easy as drag & drop. Content Builder is a great WordPress tool that allows you to freely create different types of layout greatly improving the functionality of the CMS and then giving you the chance to save great deal of time in managing and publishing content. Check Out DEMO Easy improve your Wordpress [shortcodes] by Content Builder UI Features Heading – five heading sizes a...

Shortcode Domination - CSS3 Graphics for WordPress

Shortcode Domination - CSS3 Graphics for WordPress

View The Online DocumentationTry The Free Demo Username: DemoUser Password: TryMeNowRave ReviewsShortcode Domination has received some very positive reviews. You can check them out below: Joseph Foley at Jason Broadhurst at Having problems viewing the Live Preview in Internet Explorer? Visit or click “Remove Frame”. Shortcode Domination is a premium WordPress plugin, which ...

Easy User Fields - Collect Users Informations

Easy User Fields - Collect Users Informations

VERSION 1.5 IS OUT! Easy User Fields is a WordPress plugin that helps you create extra user meta fields by user roles. That’s simple: if you have more than one user in you WordPress install you need this plugin. Why? Because it’s so important to qualify your users that you have to keep in mind that all major companies collect hundreds of informations about everyone... and you have to do the same. This is what this plugin is about: collectin...

Advanced Text Widget Pro

Advanced Text Widget Pro

Does your sidebar get crowded with widgets? Do you have a need to place widgets only on specific pages of your site? This plugin provides flexible widget visibility conditions for every widget on your site, including core and third party widgets provided by other plugins. No coding skills necessary – plugin comes with 10 default conditions with over 20 application possibilities. If PHP is your friend you can add unlimited custom widget vi...