Easy User Fields - Collect Users Informations

Last Update
7 January 2013
Regular License


Easy User Fields is a WordPress plugin that helps you create extra user meta fields by user roles. That’s simple: if you have more than one user in you WordPress install you need this plugin. Why? Because it’s so important to qualify your users that you have to keep in mind that all major companies collect hundreds of informations about everyone... and you have to do the same. This is what this plugin is about: collecting informations on you users for you to know who your users are. The more you know them, the more you can satisfy them. The new Qualification Rate function tells you how well you know your users giving them a qualification rate (difference between available fields and not empty fields), and now you can display every field with a shortcode in any page or post! For sure, this plugin will become your new marketing tool!

New! Now with upload field !

Create shared user fields for every roles! Create disabled fields! SHORTCODE for every field, to display them easily in every page or post! QUALIFICATION RATE to know how much data you collected about a user!

See a screencast demo here!

1 – Classify your user by roles

First of all, with Easy User Fields, you can add as many user roles as you want: client, blogger, prospect, etc… That’s the first step to re-arrange your users database.

2 – Create custom fields by roles

For each roles you have created you can now create as many custom fields as you want in order to determine the informations you need/want to know about each user. You can create hidden fields that frontend users won’t see (for example a commercial comment), and you can also choose to make a field required. There are 7 types of fields you can create: title, text input, textarea, select, checkbox, multicheck, upload fields and radio buttons. Re-ordering fields is made simple by a little drag n’ drop function.

3 – Let users modify their informations (or do it yourself)

Then, simply insert a shortcode in any page, and a form will be available to frontend users. They will be allowed to modify their informations, and your data will stay up to date! Of course you can also manage every users informations directly inside the WordPress administration.

4 – Administration

Restrict access to administration – In settings, you can decide to give access to the administration or to disable it. There are many options that you can customize (minimum level required, redirection url, etc…)

Include custom fields in users search – Still in settings, you can choose to add the custom fields you create inside the user search function… or not… set your own configuration!

And more…

Testimonials – What buyers said

mordauk – “Damn, this is sexy!” – Pippin’s Plugins

Damn, this is sexy. Remi, also just wanted to tell you that I just about jumped out of my chair in glee when I went through your code. I see so many poorly coded plugins that is makes so, so happy to see how you have done. You’ve done it the way it should be done. And I love how you used custom post types for this.

vaevictus – “This app is 100% worth every penny”

This app is 100% worth every penny. I look forward to future developments.

Installation The installation process is very simple. Just like with any other Wordpress plugin you will have to follow through the steps below :

Log in to your Wordpress administration panel Click Add New in the Plugins menu on the left side Click on the Upload link at the top of the page Locate and upload the plugin zip archive After the package is uploaded and extracted, Click Activate Plugin

Support Policy – Free Support If despite all my efforts to make good products you experience a bug, or a conflict, please create a ticket in the free support forum, and i’ll do my best to help you. I also encourage you to follow the procedure i describe below:

Make sure WordPress, theme, and plugins are up to date Disable all plugins and check if the issue still exists Switch to the default WordPress theme and check for the issue (if the issue disappears then the issue is in your theme, not in the plugin) Empty your cache Make sure you read the documentation and followed explanations step by step

When submitting a ticket please provide details, be specific, give URLs and links to concerned pages, describe the issue as much as possible, and start your message by “hello”!

Change Log V1.6 – 08/30/2013

Removed buggy updated Added support quick link Updated WP 3.6 compatibility

V1.5 – 01/07/2013

Added upload field type Fixed minor bugs

V1.4 – 12/12/2012

Fixed $wpdb->prepare() for WordPress 3.5 compatibility Added plugin updater

V1.3 – 05/15/2012

modified configuration link in general options page added hooks:

euf_before_edit_form euf_after_edit_form euf_before_edit_form_logged_in euf_after_edit_form_logged_in euf_before_edit_form_not_logged_in euf_after_edit_form_not_logged_in euf_user_fields_page_table_header euf_user_fields_page_table_footer euf_user_roles_page_table_header euf_user_roles_page_table_footer

added “disabled” optional attribute to fields added shared fields (fields applied to ALL roles)

v1.2 – 04/13/2012

When creating a new field or a new entry, the entry was at the top of the table, it’s now at the end.

v1.1 – 04/01/2012

New feature: User Qualification Rate function, to know how much data you collected on a user New feature: Creation of a shortcode for every field so that you can easily display every field in a post or in a page

v1.0 – 03/01/2012

Initial Release