regular expression examples

RegEx Extractor for Mac

RegEx Extractor for Mac

Extract, harvest and parse everything simply ! Just insert one regular expression and URLs as target, then start process. A library of regex samples (and with examples) is included. If you need help to create the correct regular expressions, feel free to check the support page. Windows version : Here is few examples of what you can extract : Emails Proxies Phone numbers Addresses Zipcodes Google search results Twi...

{Keyworder} - Manage Keywords With A Smile

{Keyworder} - Manage Keywords With A Smile

{Keyworder} v1.0 is a lightweight and versatile jQuery plugin providing an easy way to manage your content keywords, acronyms and abbreviations in a tooltiped way. But this is not the only application for this code, as it can also be used to detect text patterns such as emails, URLs, IP addresses, numbers, dates and smileys and format them with default or custom templates. It comes with a whole set of built-in detectors and converters, such as...