referrer url

Eye Catcher

Eye Catcher

Colorful Eye Catching Bar (Set the Bar into any Color or Set your own Background Image) to catch the attention of your visitors in your WordPress site using this Plugin. You can display the Notification Message on this Bar for Members/Guests, Display in Home Page/All Pages/Pages By ID, on Top/Bottom of the site, 32 types of easing effects to the Eye Catching Bar and Notification Message etc. Show the Bar in Collapsed/Expanded state On Page Loa...

Smart Market Widgets

Smart Market Widgets

Plugin Information Smart Market Widgets is WordPress plugin containing 5 widgets, using Envato API to get information about files available on all Envato Marketplaces and display them in the website sidebars using different methods and styling. Links generated by the plugin support adding of referrer username for earning affiliate commission from new signups on any of Envato Marketplace websites. System Requirements Plugin will work with WordP...

Werefer - Website referrer tracker

Werefer - Website referrer tracker

* * * Werefer 2 is out! Take a look now at * * * Werefer is an application that can fit anyone and be integrated into just about any website. The method behind Werefer is to allow for your to place a query string on the end of your websites URL where you integrated Werefer into and track the hits. For example, you comment on a lot of blogs and would like to know if anyone c...