Smart Market Widgets

Last Update
30 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Plugin Information Smart Market Widgets is WordPress plugin containing 5 widgets, using Envato API to get information about files available on all Envato Marketplaces and display them in the website sidebars using different methods and styling. Links generated by the plugin support adding of referrer username for earning affiliate commission from new signups on any of Envato Marketplace websites. System Requirements Plugin will work with WordPress 3.3 and newer. On server side, you must have PHP CURL Extension active (most server already have it), it is used to get data through Envato Markeplace API. Included Widgets

Featured Author Featured File Files List Search for Files Powered By Banner

Cache Envato data for better performance

Plugin can cache all data received from Envato API, and you can control the timeout for different data types. You also have a tool to clear all cached data anytime. Different display methods and styling for widgets

Plugin contains two basic styles and six item display methods allowing you to show items thumbnails, preview, ratings, item information. Plugin allow use of tooltip hover to show Envato like item preview. Many widget settings to control items display

You can control widget generated links, add referrer to each URL (for affiliate commision), control item sorting, widgets visibility, tooltip preview, styling and more. Get items based on search query and other criteria

Each widget offers options to which items are displayed. Use predefined criteria or custom built search query to fine tune the resulting Envato marketplaces items.

All Main Plugin Features

Supports all Envato Marketplaces (currently 8 marketplaces). Caching of received Envato data for faster response. Control cache timeout for received Envato data. Supports Smart Web Fonts Control for enhancing widgets typography. Search for items: use marketplace, categories and search queries. List marketplace items: popular, collection, new and random. Sort marketplace items: random, new, old, last updated. Get featured author and file from any marketplace. Get any marketplace item by specified item ID. Get any marketplace author by specified username. Display Envato like tooltip preview for every item. Modify generated links rel and target attributes.

Features For Developers

Functions to integrate widgets anywhere in the theme Hooks to control widgets loading and few other things

Additional Plugin Features

Display items using different methods Comes with 6 item rendering methods Comes with 2 predefined styles Tools to delete all cached Envato API data Controls to disable any of the plugin widgets Supports replacing default display functions Support translation and includes POT file

Changelog Version 2.1 / 2013.07.31.

Improved: using Smart Image Tooltip 1.2 Fixed: preview tooltip positioniong problems Fixed: preview tooltip z-index order for some themes

Version 2.0 / 2013.07.27.

Added: widget to search for files by different criteria Added: show hover item preview image and information Added: setup the rel and target for all widget links Added: tools panel for forced deletion of cached data Added: new files from user for files list widget Added: expand incomplete items results set Added: new item rendering method: Preview Added: global settings for controlling cache Added: global settings for loading available widgets Improved: cache control with better cache timeout use Improved: widgets interface displayed information Improved: widgets handling of data errors and issues Improved: default settings for some of the widgets Improved: default items rendering functions Improved: removed some obsolete code Improved: using Smart Envato API 2.0 Fixed: changing the referrer value between widgets

Full changelog available on plugins home page