plugin newsletter

Unlimited Newsletter

Unlimited Newsletter

A Product by Flipper Code UNLIMITED NEWSLETTER PLUGIN provides a number of convenient options for managing the newsletters. This plugin provides a very easy and nicely integrated with Wordpress Backend Interface. The Unlimited Newsletter plugin allows you to add a new newsletter by selecting the predefined templates also and you’ll have unlimited access for upcoming templates. All Templates can be automatically come to your dashboard e...

NewsPlus WP NewsLetter Plugin

NewsPlus WP NewsLetter Plugin

Check our Online Help with video casts before purchase. Plugin Description NewsPlus WordPress NewsLetter Plugin is Great mail subscription and newsletter service, which always keeps your users informed about latest news and events. It is easy in use, nice looking in design and functional in work. Everything is ready for work – no more long settings, go ahead and keep up your subscribers with newest tidings ever! Our NewsPlus WP NewsLetter P...

Subscriber Content Lock for WordPress

Subscriber Content Lock for WordPress

Subscriber Content Lock for WordPress makes it very simple to create a subscription based content system on your site that requires users to subscribe to an email list, newsletter etc. before viewing content. Subscriber Content Lock not only handles user / email verification, it also has a list manager that can export your verified subscribers to any popular mail service, in multiple formats. Features Easy to use system for growing your su...