pagerank algorithm

Nofollow Manager

Nofollow Manager

Feature Requests Please post any feature requests in the comments section! Nofollow Manager WordPress Plugin nofollow is a value that can be assigned to an HTML element to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target’s ranking in the search engine’s index. It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of certain types of internet advertising because their search algorithm depends heavily on the amount of l...

SEO Helper Class

SEO Helper Class

Well SEO is important for all websites. This class helps you to generate the keywords and description from given text. It should save your time because developing such algorithm is not easy. You can use features like banned keywords – for example you don’t want to have the words like “be” and “I” (in English) in your keywords, because those words are too common. My algorithm has built in list of English words that shouldn’t be considered as ke...