
Minic Slider Pro for Prestashop

Minic Slider Pro for Prestashop

[minic slider pro ] is a fancy responsive slider, a dynamic way to show off your products and promotions. User friendly, highly customizable and fancy! An eye-catching and dynamic banner/slideshow is a great way to introduce and advertise your specific products or specific offers. The user interface was developed to be easy to use as possible. Also highly customizable so it will suit you, no matter what you are selling. Features compre...

Newsflash Expanding

Newsflash Expanding

If you use Newsflash Expanding, please post a rating and a review at the JED! The Newsflash Expanding is a Joomla module. It works exactly like Joomla NewsFlash module with all params, but with some expanding effects. Use “No. of character” param, the content will be cut off with this value and have a “Read More” button to view full  content (not direct link). Click “Read More” you will see full content of that article with fadein effect. ...

Standalone Dropdown

Standalone Dropdown

This menu does not use Mootools or jQuery library, so it works with all Joomla sites (without any script conflict). It is very easy to change background image, font style and color in CSS file. To configure this module, please choose one menu for it to show on front-end. Document User Guide Demo Website Demo

Accordion Menu - Lite

Accordion Menu - Lite

Accordion Menu Lite is a free extension for Joomla!. And it supports 2 menu levels. Using it for your site simply with two steps only: Installation and Assign a menu from Joomla menu system. With 4 options at configuration page: Menu Name: Select a menu from Joomla menu system Module Class Suffix: Assign a module template classufix for your module Remind Opened Menu: Remind opened sub menu when you click. Parent items link: Parent item...

ByTomi Layout Builder & Shortcode Generator

ByTomi Layout Builder & Shortcode Generator

Remove The Frame on Live Preview this link is without the CC bar Username: demo Password: demo123 This is a WP Plugin Current Version : 2.0.0 IT WORKS ON PAGES AND POSTS WITH ANY THEMEContent Elements from both plugins Text Block Paid Downloads (PayPal) Google Fonts Contact Form Post Box Grid Blog Posts Module Google Embeded Docs Frame Module Separator (Divider) Logo Paper Video Testimonial Slogan ...

Dropline Menu

Dropline Menu

There are no images in the gallery. To see fade-in and fade-out effect for submenu level 2 when you hover the pointer to main menu item, please see attached image now With new version 1.1, it allows you to configure for sublevel align (left or right) with or without parent. Document User Guide Demo Website Demo

Pro Dropdown Menu

Pro Dropdown Menu

This is a sexy Dropdown Menu with mootools compatibly. So, it is really easy to use with Joomla native without any Javascript conflict in your site. This is a Horizontal Dropdown Mootools Menu with Multi Colors effect. Just install and select a menu from Joomla menu system and see how it works. To change each item background image, look at modules/mod_prodropdownmenu/lib/img/{color}.jpg with color is item image. Then to change hover background...

Multiple Slideshow

Multiple Slideshow

Multiple SlideShow is a module for content component, K2 component and Virtuemart. This is a module for displaying images in slideshow. You can use this module for showing particular articles or articles in category, section of com_content, for showing articles in com_k2 or displaying chosen products of com_virtuemart. With Multiple SlideShow, you can easily change the displaying interface to suit with your administration through themes of the...

Standalone Accordion

Standalone Accordion

The module allows you to create an accordion menu for the sub level navigation using unordered lists and JQuery javascript library. You can s et “no conflict” mode to allow usage with mootools, and other libraries. No conflict mode removes the ”$” operator from jQuery, allows other libraries to use that operator. Using it for your site simply with two steps only: installation and assigning a menu from Joomla menu system. Features: Support 2 ...

Paypal Donation Module

Paypal Donation Module

This module can help you to get a donation simply via Paypal gateway. Feature listing: Configuration for Donation title Currency select (Allow donors to select one) Donation Amount (Allow for donors to type one) Return URL: you can use an article for thank you page Cancel URL: you can use an article for Cancel donation page Your paypal ID Donation Description Donation Footer information Document User Guide Demo Website Demo