Minic Slider Pro for Prestashop

Last Update
4 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

[minic slider pro ] is a fancy responsive slider, a dynamic way to show off your products and promotions. User friendly, highly customizable and fancy!

An eye-catching and dynamic banner/slideshow is a great way to introduce and advertise your specific products or specific offers. The user interface was developed to be easy to use as possible. Also highly customizable so it will suit you, no matter what you are selling.


comprehensive theme creator! fully compatible with multilingual sites easy to manage on multistores user-friendly admin panel easy linking (featured live search) full html and css accessibility easy installation campaign featured slide scheduling and lots more …

Demo Check out the back office demo to see what you will get. front office : back office : email : pass : admindemo

Installation As usual! Upload the downloaded .zip via the Prestashop backend or upload the unzipped content into the modules folder under your Prestashop installation.

After installation you can configure the slider under the Advertising & Marketing tab on the modules page.

Update instructions The best if you delete the old version of the module (no need to uninstall, just hit the delete, otherwise an error can occur) and install the new version.

Before you do this i recommend to backup your images from the slides (those will be deleted when you uninstall) in case something goes wrong, or you doesnt have them.

Have fun!



new theme: win8 updated fashion theme fixed scrollTo plugin added tooltips for new themes fixed missing table error when deleting module


new theme: fashion added a missing class removed quick access link


updated Nivo Slider to the latest version fixed missing upload directory added readme.txt


fixed some tpl issues fixed quick links added quick link to dashboard


fixed 2 small issue added if condition into HookBackOfficeHeader to avoid loading if not necessary


recreated UI updated message system added mass delete/deactivate added black and white theme added Theme Creator/Editor added Ajax Search for links added From/To Date option added Draft option multistore compatible

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