
TAKO Vertical Responsive Dropdown Menu

TAKO Vertical Responsive Dropdown Menu

Don’t Forget to Rate it 5 stars! This it’s a menu with 3 columns of pages with a very good design and color combinations and its compatible with mobile devices! Its very efficient for people who want a simple responsive menu with modern design. In the version 1.2 we made many changes and added some good things: - We added the Mega-Menu design with the posibility to add forms, images and video in the dropdown! - Also we added 360+ vector ic...

Tsunami Slider JQuery Plugin V 1.1

Tsunami Slider JQuery Plugin V 1.1

tsunami Slider V 1.1 JQuery Plugin Major browsers compatibility CSS 3 Webkit Support 3D Help file inluded Browsers support 3D Safari Chrome Firefox IE10 and later All Major Browsers Compatibility CSS 3 Support Simple html use <div id="banner"> <ul class="bannerImages"> <li><img src="assets/image1.jpg" width="800" height="413" class="imageBanner" /></li> <li><img src="assets/image2.jpg" width="80...

Slicnot - Clean CSS Menu with Sliced Notification

Slicnot - Clean CSS Menu with Sliced Notification

Hello everybody! Slicnot is a small CSS toolkit that allows you to create anything from just a simple plain button to a complex drop-down navigation menu bar with very less amount of effort. It comes with four different color styles, fade animation, sliced notification and 361 Font Awesome icons. Everything is build with pure CSS3 (no image used, no JavaScript) and very easy to customize. It looks great even on a retina display screen. FEATU...

Metro Style Navigation

Metro Style Navigation

Features Easy to use. Metro UI. Changeable color. Animated transition. Containing with sub-menus.

DeepMenu - multi level navigation menu

DeepMenu - multi level navigation menu

DeepMenu is a multi-level navigation menu with four different transitions between layers and nearly 20 other properties for customization. If JavaScript is disabled, it works as a horizontal dropdown menu. Check the preview page for a live demonstration and more information. Pack: JS, CSS and HTML files Navigation icons (blue, orange and grey versions of “back” and “home” buttons) Documentation Preview page

VB.NET Custom Tabcontrol Design

VB.NET Custom Tabcontrol Design

Custom Tabcontrol for Visual Basic .NET WinForm Applications. By using this VB Class, your applications will look a lot more professional. This tabcontrol is very clear, and simple to use. It provides you simple but powerful way to make your applications gui nice, and easier to use. You can also import this to your current project! - Cool Design - Animated - Makes your applications look fancy - Easy to use - Professonial ...

WP Nav Plus

WP Nav Plus

WP Nav Plus is an improved version of the WordPress menu system, which adds the ability to specify a start depth when displaying your menu on your site. This makes it much easier to implement secondary and tertiary navigation menu’s based off the hierarchy setup in WordPress’s Menu manager. In other words, you can use this plugin to ‘hide’ the levels of the menu that you do not want Wordpress to show! I have designed WP Nav Plus to be super...

SliceNav Responsive Navigation Menu

SliceNav Responsive Navigation Menu

SliceNav is a responsive navigation that fits on any device. It’s very functional and comes with different types of navigation including full width, column based and the standard drop-down navigation. Also comes with more than 240 icons ready to use in the menu. Organize your website navigation easily with this responsive menu.

Css Vertical Dropdown Menu

Css Vertical Dropdown Menu

CSS3 Vertical Dropdown menu, with 2 different animations. FadeIn and SlideLeft. Coming Soon for Mobile and Tablet. Features Vertical Dropdown CSS3 Animation 2 Different Animations – FadeIn and SlideLeft Fixed Menu Easy to add new menu items. Browsers Chrome Firefox Safari Opera IE9 and IE10 Inside Pack fadein.html slideleft.html menu-slideleft.css menu-fadein.css reset.css style.css Some images

Menufication - Responsive Fly-Out Menu

Menufication - Responsive Fly-Out Menu

Say Hi to jQuery Menufication 1.1 Version 1.1 brings three new great features to this plugin. You can now choose between two great looking themes, a dark one and a light one. You can also add logos or images to the menu header or inside the menu. We also added ability to slide in the menu from the right, as requested! Navigation is one of the most important aspects of a website. The fly-out menu (with inspiration from Facebook) has been pr...